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Personal Information

AFF Username :  Twiillaa

AFF Profile Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/77531 

Name : Twilla

Age : Unnie


Character Information

Name : Guk Hyomi

Nickname(s) : Omi, Hyo, and Mimi

Preffered Name : Omi

Age : 20

Gender : Female

Birthdate : 12/25/1992

Birthplace : Busan, South Korea

Hometown : Busan, South Korea

Race : Half Korean and Half Thai

Blood Type : AB

Personality : Basing off her looks she seems like a cold and un-inviting person which isn't true. Warm hearted and sweet girl are some of her glaring traits if you get past her looks. A bit ditsy around her edges but a smart girl with a big head on her shoulders. Tends to be a happy person just trying to give a smile to everyone around her. Dorky and quirky ways are easily done with. Agyeo queen, you say? Only if you want it awkwardly done. It might seem cute but it's not. Laughing at herself is another blaring trait that she got from her father. Clumsy, big-mouthed are what gets her too laugh at herself. Stupid words or rambled on topics are the norm for the girl. She can also be a big flirt with a y side to her. She knows what to say to get what she wants. She can be a sweet talker just saying the right things to get the guy that she wants. She's pretty good at stunning people with her flirty side. She knows what she wants and knows how to get most of the time. She can manipulate people to get what she wants as well. She's not one to get jealous easily but sometimes it does bubble up inside of her. She's got a temper for sure. She's not very good at controling the fire inside of her. Her temper can lash out like wild fire. She can start lashing back instantly if you provoke her. Most say that she can be a fire cracker when she wants to be. She doesn't hold back to tell you that she doesn't like you or that she does like you. She can be a bit rude and cold if you get on her bad side.

Even though she can be harsh, dorky; she can be a crier when it comes down to it. She's not strong so sometimes she does lose the fights she's in. Yeah, she doesn't exactly stand up for herself. She can defend herself just not stand up for herself. She usually just takes everything that someone might give her. Mostly likely it's phsyical. She doesn't like to fight so she just doesn't. She'll lost every fist fight that she's in. She can be a liar when she needs to cover up something. She's not exactly the the best person to keep secrets with. She might be trustworthy, but she does slip up sometimes. Being a big mouth isn't a good thing so she can slip up and tell something that she shouldn't. She can be a quirky girl as well.  

Likes :

  • Sweets
  • Mochas
  • Tall guys
  • Spicy Food
  • White Chocolate
  • Skinship
  • Kisses over hugs

Dislikes :

  • Yelling
  • Pushing
  • Liars
  • Cheaters
  • Blood
  • Heights
  • Clowns

Hobbies :

  • Nail art
  • Writing songs
  • Desgining clothes
  • Sewing
  • Baking
  • Cooking

Talents :

  • Writing songs
  • Inimating animals
  • y Dance
  • Can do male groups dances just as well as girl groups
  • Good at acting

Habits :

  • Talks to herself
  • Mumbles in Thai when nervous
  • Bites the inside of her  cheek when upset
  • Clings to others when scared
  • Bite her lip when woried

Fears? Phobias? :

  • Clowns - She just has bad expereinces with them.
  • Blood - When her broke her nose all she saw was a river of red.

Languages : Korean, Thai|Fleunt

Facts :

  • Left handed
  • Shares a room with her brother in their parents apartment
  • Allgeric to oranges
  • Gets along better with males than females
  • Has been in one Thai drama
  • Works in her parents cafe
  • If she doesn't make it as a singer, she wants to be a stylist for idols or a song writer
  • Styles her little brother and others around her
  • Has asthma

Appearance : 

Name of ulzzang/models : Jung Min Hee

Height : 170 cm

Weight : 49 kg


Family background : Being born on Christmas was a wild way for her mother to go, but she wanted to get that baby out. Hyomi was born eight weeks early. She was put in a incubator to develop her organs and other things fully. She gain asthma from being born that early. She had to stay in the Hospital for a long time after being born. Her mother stayed with her untill she was ready to leave. She left a couple months after being born. Her parents already her room ready. She grew up in a wealthly neighbor. Her parents only left her play with the rich kids when she was young. She went to school just like any other girl. She wasn't good at a school. She was not behind on her developmental processes, she just didn't care about school. She usually just sat in her desk and looked at the teacher all day. She didn't play with the other kids. She would just sit on the swing and push herself. When her little brother started school a year after her, she would be around him. They are very close and spend most of the time together. When they got older, he did most of her homework. He also tutored her so that his father wouldn't get mad at her for not making good grades. When she started highschool she was put in a situation of flunk or work. Flunk was the better option. She would hang out with the trouble makers males, and was the 'oppa killer' around them. Her brother found out when Hyomi came home with one night. He didn't like it and told her that she needed to step up. It was their frist fight in years. They yelled at each other which seemed for hours  He started doing her work again and tutoring her when she would come earlier enough. When she was in highschool she was dating the guy of her dreams. The first year was fine, he didn't hit her or drag her around. After their sophmere year, everything changed. Himself changed, he never let her hang out with her guy model friends or any other guy at at that matter. If she did, then she got hit or slapped and told that he was the only guy that coudld have her. He wasn't the cute, funny, loving guy he use to be. He called her vulgar things all the time, and told her she was useless and being pretty was the only thing going for her. He said that he only liked her because she made others jealous of him and she was pretty and rich. He was rough with her and left brusies most of the time. He would only let go once she burst into tears begging him just to leave her alone. After awhile of taking all of his crap, her close friends told him that he had to leave her alone and that they were over. But then again, taking two years of abuse from a guy whom you thought loved you, is hard to get over. She started to be by herself only really talking to her very close friends and not going to any of her model casting for a long time. She kept her boyfriend a secret for along time till her brother found out and begged her to tell their parents. She told him no and just to kept a secret between the two. He told her parents anyway and Hyomi didn't speak to him for weeks. Her parents tired to help but in the end they just shoved her away since she didn't want the help. She started college and her parents bought her own apartment. Her little brother wanted to stay with her and her parents agreed since they didn't have to deal either of their kids anymore. Their parents would have rather partied with their friends then worry about the two kids that they had at home. Hyomi made her brother bring home good grades, some come a nine, and almost raised him. 

Family members :

Guk Hyunjo,57,Father,Cold, Harsh, Rude.

Guk Minkyu.56,Mother, Demanding, Cold, Rude, 'Stuck-up', disty.

Guk Kijoon,17,Little Brother, cute, baby-like, childish, sweet, caring, flirty, can be a diva sometimes.

Idol Life

Stage Name : Omi

Persona : Frosted Flirt

Own Fanclub Name : Omi's Wonderland

Own Fanclub Color : Midnight Black & Cooper

Atitude on stage : Flirty, Sweet, Cold at times.

Position :  Leader/Main Rapper

What are your fans called? : Omities

Message to future fans : Hey! It's Omi here! Thank you so much for loving me and us! I hope you contuine to love us and support us. If you haven't already, check us out. Saranghaeyo~. -makes a heart with her arms-

Message to other applicants : I hope we can all befriends and have a good time with the story.

Trainee years :

How did you get in Cube Ent? : Auditioned

Background of Trainee life : Training was hard since she had ashtma. She always the one to stay after and get extra pratice. She was always praticing and proving that she could do this with all of her might.

Love interest : Leeteuk, Leader of Super Junior

How do you met him/her? : He comes into her parents cafe all the time. He always stops her to talk to her about his problem with is meal even if he doesn't have one. He just needs a excuse to talk to her. She doesn't mind to talk to him either. They flirt with each other as well.

His personality: He can be a flirt sometimes. It's usualy cute and sweet though. Although he can get a little dirty if it's with the right person. He's a sweet talker. He knows what to say to get what he wants and when he wants it. He's not good at controling jealously or his temper. He tries his best to be a good guy in all, but sometimes he does blow his top. He's  rather sweet guy when you come right too it. He doesn't flaunt his looks much only if he has to. Gentleman that he is. He likes to treat girls well since that ends him up with a phone full of girls numbers.  

Any scenes? : Maybe their meeting, and a part where he calls her and she can't fall asleep and him singing her to sleep.

Ex-boyfriend? Ex-girlfriend? : N/a

Best friends :

Heechul|Super junior

Hongki|FT Island

Sangchul|Mighty Mouth

Friends :




Rivals : N/a

Role Models :




Lee Hyori


Bi Rain

Anything else you've forgotten? : I hope you like her.

Password : Sure, why not. I like cookies. xD


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