Writer's Block, Procrastination, and Ice Cream #2



What is it anyways?


I, for one, kinda think it's a myth. A way us writers use as an excuse to others. It's basically a perfect get-a-way to those clingy--but adorable--subscribers. Guess you can call it a brain fart. Or procrastination. Either one works good.


How do I overcome it? 

PSH. Overcoming is for LOSERS! I mean, who needs tips to overcome a simple Writer's block?! ... basically me. OTL.

First thing I do? I plan. Plan plan plan. I never, EVER write it out on paper because if I do, I end up forgetting it or start doodling on the side lines. So instead, I type up a simple plan for a chapter on my Mircrosoft Word. But here's the important part: the next thing I do is write at least 5 sentences of the beginning of the chapter.

As most of you know, your brain is a constant working muscle. If you don't use it, it becomes dumber. INTERESTING FACT: When you die, you barely use even half of your brain capacity. 

So, the 5 sentences are basically a warm up to get your brain working and refreshed.

After a few hours, I eventually get hooked on writing again and finish a chapter in... barely an hour? HA. Yea right. No really, I do. Phehehehe.



Well, life's pretty messed up. I'm supposed to be studying but here I am giving advice to people who are procrastinating and are in the process of a Writer's Block. Who's a hypocrite? Not I, not I! :)


That's okay detenant, that's okay. You have your wonderful ice cream with you... your wonderful ice cream.

Ice cream: No, I hate you, you monster!

Me: Why, you delicious cutey? Don't be blaming me for the circle of life...

Ice cream: And you're saying that while me. Gross...

Me: Now, now ice cream bar, don't go around spreading lies to hundreds of people reading this.

Ice cream: PSH. Hundreds? More like ZERO!

Me: Hmmm... somebody needs a punishment.

Ice cream: Wait, huh?




...that was random. I'm sorry. My brain is totally dead from all these SAT crap. Second blog in months? I think so...




Three words = Wrinkling Chip-man Yoda


(Chipmunk + Human = Chip-man) 


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