Letting it all go

Now Listening to : I'm Going Crazy-se7en

Today, I actually proud of myself. I've finally had the courage to stood up, and get me out of this misery. First, I've deleted the twitter account who's got me into the bashing, and fandom wars.. second, I actually made friends in my class. After trying to open up, thry actually become much nicer than before, we could even laugh and mess around together during cooking class. and lastly I could finally have a heart to heart talk with my family member, Yes, It may sound drama-ish and cliche, but it's actually what I'm experiencing right now..

Can't believe all this time the one who's holding me back is myself, my fear, and my foolishness. I'll try my best to be better from now on.

and I'd like to thank Nisrandom-unnie that give me supportive comments/messages for all this time *cyber hugs* allabyu :')


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