2NE1 got A+

Do all of you know that song with 2NE1 where they sing something like "Why did it have to rain tonight of all nights? How pathetic dont I look then?" ?

Well... I had a homework in english class to write about how weather can be interpreted depending on your mood. So I wrote something about how a girl had gotten dumped and it started raining and she was all like: "Oh no, I will look pathetic like this. Why couldnt the sun shine?"
Wich is like... A total rip off from the 2NE1 song but I was tired as hell and thought that "Hey, it wouldnt matter if I leave it in to my teacher, she wont know anyway!"




But now I got the text back and I got an A+, wich means I acctually have raised my over all grade this year... And all because I cheated... Im feeling so guilty!!!!! Do you guys think I should tell my teacher and face up to the fact that I will only get an B in final grade, or should I just keep quiet?


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lovesviolett #1
omooo...use 2ne1 lyrics for english ᄏᄏ :D
nonono u deserve an a+ (Y)
okeeey u used lyrics but.. who cares? :DD
im sure that ur teacher dont even know who 2ne1 is :D

appr. english.. i got a c+ for my english presentation because of the text(which really :D).
and because of that ill get a B instead of an A as the final grade -.-
u see jenna, some people(-> ME) are not as lucky as u..
omg i talk too much :$