||♔ KEY ♔||


Song Minhye



AFF Username: EunMi22

Profile Link: here~

NickEunmi :)



Name: Song Minhye

Nicknames: Min


Date of BirthSept. 15, 1993

Blood Type: A

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 46 kg 


Languages SpokenKorean, English, Japanese



Name of Ulzzang/Model usedJung Roo

Appearance/Links: 1 2 3 4 5

Back-up Ulzzang/Model: Kim Shin Yeong


  • Everyday clothes1 2 3


  • Events/Occasional/Party:1 2 3


  • Training1 2 3


  • Work clothes: 1 2


  • Night wear: 1 2

Extra/s2 piercings. One each ear :D





Minhye is sweet, caring and cheerful. She likes to have fun and likes to be with friends. She never liked being alone or bored. She also likes to make people around her smile. She's the ideal type to be with when you're bored. These are one of many reasons why her friends treasure her. Another reason is, she's always there for you. She will keep you company when you need it. She's also a great listener. So when you have problems, just tell her and she will try her best to comfort you, cheer you up and help you with your problems.
But she also has a somewhat scary side. Don't make her mad or don't approach her when she is if you still want to live. Just leave her alone or give her some alone time to make her cool off easily. She can be very mean, cold and sort of a diva to those people who also hates her or those that annoys her so much. Minhye and her TORCH is very close to each other. She's very protective when it comes to him. When someone hurts or threatens him or her friends, She will get very mad and she will make them regret what he/she did to her friends.


  • Sweets
  • Ice cream
  • Roller skating
  • Archery
  • Nail Art
  • Music
  • Spicy foods
  • MIlkshakes
  • Shopping 
  • Shoes


  • Boring stuff
  • annoying people
  • Cheaters
  • Liars
  • Flirts
  • Veggies
  • Bitter foods
  • Being alone


  • Listening to music
  • Shopping
  • Roller skating
  • Archery


  • Lip Biting
  • Pouting when being teased
  • Staring off to space
  • Shouting when annoyed/mad
  • Skinship :D

Fears: Losing someone/ something very important to her

Secret: NA


  • Sometimes she can get a little touchy when very happy/ hyper
  • Loves to go roller skating
  • She never liked vegetables.
  • She has love-hate relationship with horror movies


|| AS A KEY ||



Your Relationship/AttitudesMinhye and ChanHo get along very well. They make a good team... Minhye is quite protective over ChanHo because they're very close. But sometimes, they like to tease each other.. hehe


  • Water
  • Invisibility

Work: At first, she thought it was bad but after she knew what JOKERZ did or do, it became fine.

Triplet: White

WeaponBow and arrow

Familiar spiritA Water Dragon named Agua. Water_Dragon_by_lunatteo.png



Love Interest: 


  • Lee Taemin | HUMAN
  • ChanHo | My TORCH

His Personality: 

  • Taemin: Taemin is quite shy and awkward at first. But as minutes pass, he will be loose and you will know his real personality. He's actually very kind, sweet, gentle and fun. You can say he's a guy version of Minhye. The only difference is the way they get angry. When Taemin is angry at you he just ignores you and he doesn't say a word. Same things happen when he's sad. But if you really want to talk to him when he's sad, buy him his favorite banana milk. He's also a good listener. He will help you with your problems and he will never fail to cheer you up when you're sad. He will always be there if you need a shoulder to cry on.
  • ChanHo: ChanHo is sweet, and childish. You will never get bored when you're with him. He's quite loud and crazy. But despite this attitude, he's als very nice. You may think he never gets serious..... Okay maybe sometimes but when he knew you're serious with something he will also be serious. He has lots of aegyo but he's not aware of that. ChanHo and Minhye are like siblings. They like to tease each other at times.

Your Relationship

  • Taemin: They are the best of friends and they really know each other well. In fact, they both like each other but they don't want to tell it to each other.

  • Chanho: Treats each other like siblings..


             Sooo, MInhye is kinda in a love triangle here hehehe



Best Friend: Lee Taemin | Human


  • Kim Kibum | JOKER
  • Moon Jongup | HUMAN
  • Im Yoona | PEACEMAKER



Rival/Enemy: Choi Sulli | JOKER

Why?: Actually, Sulli and Minhye were bestfriends back when Sulli was still a KEY. Minhye introduced Taemin, her other bestfriend to Sulli and she liked him but Taemin doesn't like her back. Taemin told Sulli he likes Minhye and Sulli got furious. She became a JOKER because of her anger. When she bacame a JOKER, she attempted to kill MInhye and her TORCH.


|| EXTRA ||

Comments: Annyeong~ I hope you like my app :) if there's something wrong, PM me :D

Suggestions/Ideas: n/a


tumblr_lrf2wrcAC11qd6h5ho1_r1_250.gif tumblr_lrf2wrcAC11qd6h5ho2_250.gif

tumblr_lrf2wrcAC11qd6h5ho3_250.gif tumblr_lrfbwjTdDS1qmu5i4.gif

tumblr_lrf2wrcAC11qd6h5ho4_250.gif Le Diva Key!


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cathy4reals #1
haha, gotta love key -3-
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD The password made my day xD seriously xD
I love your app :]
It was detailed enough as well!