Snoui: SM New Girl Group APP. Alexis Young/ Young Ae Tae


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Username: allyyoung

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Your character:

Full Name: English name: Alexis Young,Korean Name: Young Ae Tae

Nickname: Tae or Ally

Age : 21

Birthdate : 01/17/91

Place of Birth :San Deigo, California, USA.

Hometown: San Deigo, California, USA.

Blood Type: O

Ethnicity: Filipino, Korean, and White

Languages: Korean,English, Tagalog, and a little bit of Spanish

Height: 5'4 or 162 cm

Weight: 110 or 50 kg



Personality: Alexis ,or Ae Tae, is a very bubbly, loud, and happy weirdo who will laugh at mostly anything. On the other hand, she tends to be very serious when it come to caring for her friends and family. Adding to that note, Alexis thinks more about others than herself so she is often found sick or really tired. That's how much she cares! She absolutely LOVES music. You can find her saying," If music didn't exist, I wouldn't also." she is also a tech-junkie so she always has her Iphone or Ipod handy. She tends to always have a smile on her face. Alexis loves PLUSHIES!!!

Likes : Music, sweets, love dramas, the sound of rain, videogames, cloudy days.

Dislikes : Thunder storms, rude/snobby people,  annoying noises, super hot days, waking up early.

Habits :Constantly her lips, making random noises( humming), making weird faces, braiding hair, tends to space out alot!

Hobbies :Dj-ing, writing, drawing, Tai chi, rapping, dancing, and singing

Fears : Cats....Only the creepy, fur-less ones.

Trivia (5+): Is a super fangirl of BigBang( I am too.. hehe ), she loves Graffiti art, Only wears glasses when she isn't wearing contacts, can impersonate alot of different accents, she sleeps with a piplup plushie( POKEMAN!!!! ^-^)



Name of the Ulzzang: Jang Hae Byeol

Links :

Back up Ulzzang: Sorry! I can't think of any back up ulzzang that hasn't been used already...


Clothing style : Likes to wear comfy sweaters, Animal hats ( of course they have fake fur! ), Leggings, and TOM's.



Stage Name: Ally

Position :Lead Vocalsit, Main Rapper, Composer

Fanclub Name : The Wild & Free

Persona: The free-spirited Ally ( Ally as in friend in this case)

How did she became a trainee? : She was scouted at a San Deigo Talent show. She was performing with her best friend Sidney who was singing. When she did her rap everyong seemed to be amazed! The scout asked of she would want to become a rapper/singer in Korea. At first she thought it was some joke, but after the scout showed that he was serious, she took the offer! ^-^

Trainee Life: Alexis' trainee life wasn't awesome right from the start. People often made fun of her for getting sick so often. They also made fun of her for being weird. All that changed when she started rapping so fast others could hardly understand what she was saying. Everyone also seemed to be impressed that she could also sing well.

Trainee Years:3 years, 6months

Any Experience?: She has soome experience modeling for some cute fashion, and she is an awesome actor( which means she can cry whenever she wants!!! O.O) She can also Dj.



Parents : Celia Young/40/ Mom. They love each other very much. Alexis got her caring attitude from her mom.

Young Kwan/43/Father. He wasn't there for her when she was young so everytime he visits, she just ignores him. 

Sibblings :James Young/23/ brother. He took care of Alexis when she would get sick when their mother ha to work two jobs to keep the family stable.

Family Background: Alexis grew up with a single mother and one brother.  Her father had left them when he had gotten in a serious fight with her mom. Seeing her mom get hurt had scared her for life. She had promised herself that she would never forgive her father for doing what he did to them. That's why Alexis smiles all the time, because if she isn't smiling, she's crying. Her brother had helped her try to improve her rapping abilites which has obviously helped, alot! Both of them often have their bickering fights but both l ove each other to death.



Friends:Taeyeon( Girls generation), Siwon( Super Junior)

Bestfriends : Sidney Sumanga/20/ Has known Alexis since they were both 3 years old. Almost like brother and sister relationship.

Rival(s) and Why? : Seohyun ( girls generation) Thee two used to get along until Seohyun had used a rap that Alexis had composed.Now she's jealous that Alexis can compose her own songs/raps and rap/sing them with ease.


Love Life:

Love interest :Wooyoung ( 2PM)

His Personality: Wooyoung is random and hyper when he is with freinds. He becomes shy when around really pretty girls. He's charismatic on stage but nice and sweet off stage

How you meet : They haven't met yet, but I want them to instantly click with each other. When they first make eye contact, everything else will seem to slow down.

Back-up Love Interest: Taecyeon ( 2PM)

His Personality: Taecyeon is funny, cute and really really random.. sometimes. He's always smiling or laughing, maybe even both! Taecyeon is Loud on and off stage! ^-^

How you meet: Haven't met yet



Other Informations about the character: Alexis is shy in front of strangers, but LOUD when with freinds

Ideas for the story: Maybe there can be a part where someone in the group get in a fight with another member's boyfriend/lover? Oh! and make it funny! XD

Comments: This story is going to be AWESOME!!!!!!! ^-^ YEAHH!


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