eternal♡┊jung yooji { --cottoncandy }

― { Jung'yuzie' yooji 정유지!

“my cuteness is their weakness”


it's got to be you!
Username: --cottoncandy
Profile Link: [ x ]
What shall I call my chingu? unice
the awesome character!
Full Name: Jung Yooji 
Nickname(s): Yuzie (yuzie is her stage name. she prefers to be called yuzie than her real name) & Yoo (short for yooji)
Birthdate: June 3,1993
Age: 19
Place of birth: Busan,South Korea
Hometown: Seoul,South Korea
Ethnicity & Nationality: Full Korean
Languages Spoken: Fluent Korean & Conversational Chinese (Mandarin) 
the drama and the comedy!
Describe her personality: 
miss sunshine —Yuzie is a cheerful person & acts like a total kid. considered as the group's sunshine. she always smile and attracts people with her famous eyesmile. she likes fooling around and she has an adorable laugh that can make people smile automatically. she's very caring and thoughtful towards her friends.she has this cuteness and likes doing the bbuing bbuing — well,she only does that when she needs something. no one can resist her cuteness,that's why she gets anything she wants when she does aegyo. she's not a fan of aegyo acts though but a lot of people insists her to do it that's why she ended up doing aegyo stuffs. she believed that everytime she does aegyo,people goes awe and gets weak everytime they see it.
★ innocent? i don't think so — yeah she looks cute and INNOCENT but you got it all wrong with the innocent word. she isn't innocent at all. why? she's a byuntae. this kid has a erted mind and she has a cue when will she be a byuntae. she'll smile a pedo smile at a person but more like a creepy smile. then there you go,erted Yuzie activated. She'll take a picture of the members who are currently changing their clothes and run off. she can be naughty too. I mean,not in a dirty way. she hides the things of her members and acts innocent,like she didn't do anything. she sometimes steal foods in the fridge and eat it. she's a shikshin.
★ bye bye miss sunshine — this girl has a short temper. she easily gets angry. so don't make her angry if you don't want miss sunshine to turn into a miss monster. she yells at the person,clenches her fist or in short,she turns into a monster. she's no more miss smiley sunshine and etc if she looses her temper. 
★yuzie is tripping stumbling flipping fumbling — yuzie is a clumsy person. a very very very clumsy person indeed. she always gets herself in a humiliation but some people never dared to laugh at her because they know yuzie will get angry and turn into a monster. but sometimes,when she trips herself or whatsoever,yuzie starts to cry. making her a cry baby.
★she has the looks,talent & brain— some people may say that Yuzie is close to perfection,well except for being clumsy. yuzie has this pretty & adorable look. people are jealous of her looks & she has this natural beauty. even without make-up,she's still beautiful & stunning. she's talented. she knows how to dance,sing and even act. she can play three types of instrument. she also has this brain,a brain with a lot of knowledge in it. Yuzie is a bright and a smart person. She sometimes decides (decision maker) and gives a lot of bright ideas to the group. although she can be bossy and arrogant. she became arrogant because of receiving a lot of praise & good compliments.
★i won't give up— give up? nuuh. it  doesn't exist on yuzie's vocabulary. she didn't mention that 'word' for her entire life. she promised herself on 'NEVER EVER' say that 'word'. she doesn't want to be a failure. she never gives up easily,she'll do anything. she hates it when lose. this girl is so hardworking. she never gets tired. she has a passion on everything she does and her inspiration? her family. she's always positive,she's a positive thinker. well,speaking of 'hardworking',she's lazy when it comes to household chores. she'll just lay around the couch and eat or sometimes,text random people.
★ weak girl— take note that you'll always see Yuzie with a smile. ALWAYS,but exclude the time when she's angry. when something's wrong or when she has a problem she still manages to smile. she'll stay calm and when her friends ask her 'are you alright' she'll answer 'yes,i'm fine',she acts strong in front of everyone. actually,she's a good liar and can make people believe her easily. when no one is around,there she'll start to cry & be weak. she doesn't like to show people that she's weak,she wants them to see her as a strong girl.
★ what is love? — for yuzie,love is like a fairytale. she believes in happy endings and a prince charming to come and save her. she always wishes that a right guy would come in her life. she believs in fairytales while in 'love at first sight' she doesn't believe that kind of things. she thinks it's silly.
Family background and history: Her parents met in Busan and poof! Yuzie was born in Busan. When Yuzie was 3 years old,they went to Seoul and started to live there. Seoul became her hometown. Yuzie is the only child of the family. Despite being the only child,Her parents loved her so much and gives anything that Yuzie wants.
When Yuzie was 6,Her parents starts to join Yuzie in different talent class. They want Yuzie to be talented and be the best among the rest. Yuzie learned to dance ballroom,hiphop,jazz & lastly ballet,she excels in ballet more. Then after,learning some dance genres,she learned how to sing. Her vocals are good,warming and can calm any people. Later on,She started to learn how to play the piano,guitar and flute. I gotta say,she was a bit pressured because her parents keeps pushing Yuzie to learn all of these stuffs.
During Yuzie's elementary days,She became popular. Why? She became famous because of her looks,talents,brain & she's a bit rich,but not that rich as you think. A lot of people admire her,especially the boys. She likes the feeling of being the queenka of the school. During High School Days,She's still a queenka. She still maintaned her 'queenka' place. She also joined the drama club that's why she learned how to act. When Yuzie was asked to go on a party,Her parents immediately said 'NO'. Yuzie forgot that her parents are overprotective. After that day,her popularity went down since a queenka needs to be a 'party queen' but Yuzie is not a 'party queen'. She was replaced and became a normal student. She started to blame her parents on being so over protective. No one even dared to ask her out since the boys in her school are scared of her parents. Yuzie can't do anything about it.
When she was,15. She found out that her cousin,Jung Daehyun is a trainee of TS Entertainment. She got interested in joining in a Audition of any Entertainment,Her parents won't let her but she pleaded and begged. Her parents gave up and allowed her to Audition since they can't resist Yuzie and they want Yuzie to follow her dreams. They also thought that Yuzie can use her talents and since they want Yuzie to be "the best among the rest".
  • milk tea/bubble tea - she likes milk tea/bubble tea a lot. it's her obsession. you'll always see her drinking one.
  • dogs/puppies - who can't resist these adorable dogs/puppies? 
  • kids - she loves likes kids. she likes to play with them.
  • panda plushies - pandas are too cute to resist right? she's obsess with panda plushies,besides milk tea. 
  • cupcakes - she likes to eat cupcakes. espcially cupcakes that are cute to look at.
  • bacon - greasy & oily but delicious. yuzie likes eating bacon. 
  • pastel pink - her favorite color. most of her stuffs are pastel pink coloured.
  • chocolates - nomnomnom.
  • pranks - she hates it when people does that to her.
  • insects - she finds insects disgusting. 
  • heights - she's afraid of heights. she gets dizzy.
  • tomato - she doesn't like the taste at all.
  • scary stuffs - she's too scared. when she watches any horror movies,she'll start to cry and have nightmares.
  • jerks - it pisses yuzie. he hates guys who are a jerk.
  • her lips - you'll always see her doing that. it's her mannerism.
  • batting her eyelashes - if some girls does that on purpose,yuzie is different. she doesn't do it on purpose. so sometimes,people think she's flirting because one the signs that you are fliting is 
  • chewing any stuffs that she's holding - she does that when shes nervous or zoning out. for example,she's drinking her bubble tea then suddenly she zones out,she'll unintentionally chew the straw of her bubble tea.
  • doing skinships - she's a clingy kid.
  • when she talks,she uses hand gestures - she's llike Super Junior's Siwon (Siwon uses hand gestures too). even in interviews,she still has that habit. some of her friends and members makes fun of her hand gestures.
  • she plays with the mic - during interviews,you'll notice that Yuzie will play with the mic while holding it.
  • she knows ballet,ballroom,hiphop & jazz.
  • she can play the piano,guitar & flute
  • she's also good at acting
  • she at rapping & cooking
  • she has a lot of tare panda plushies. talk about obsession.
  • she uses iphone 4s and likes taking selca with it too. mirror shot for example.
  • she has two pets (puppies).a cute beagle puppy named bacon & a adprable golden retriever pupped named hersheys.
  • her bloodtype is a. 
  • she has a natural beauty. even without make-up,she's still pretty.
  • a taeyeon look-a-like & known as the second taeyeon. (if you'll use hana as the ulzzang,if i'm chosen though).
  • her phone ringtone is top's boomshakalaka part in fantastic baby.
  • she likes singing iu's peach.
  • she has a twitter account. her username is '@eternal_yuzie'. she tweets a lot and post a lot pictures/selcas.
let's get physical, physical!
What I mean is your trainee years, how long? 4 years & 6 months.
How was training? Yuzie's trainee life is hard. Everyone knew that being a trainee is hard right? and also exhausting. Yuzie can't even take a lot rest and sleep during trainee days. She also regretted joining FOX Media. One night,Yuzie planned to run away and discontinue her training but good thing,a trainee (member of Eternal) saw her and stopped her. After that,Yuzie promised to herself that she'll never give up and she'll work hard. Yuzie is one of the best trainee in FOX Media that's why they chose her as a member of Eternal,The first group of FOX Media.
Trainee history: she auditioned in FOX Media. At first,She tried to audition in JYP but she was rejected. Then,she heard about this new entertainment company holding a audition around the corner. She decided to try and audition there and poof! she got accepted.
┊you are beautiful!
Name of ulzzang: park hwanhui or hana of cherry koko.
Pictures: one x two x three x four x five x six x seven x eight x nine x ten x more here
Back-up ulzzang name: kim seukhye or joo of cherry koko.
Pictures: one x two x three x four x five x six 
Height: 169cm
Weight: 49kg
Waist line: 22.6 inches
we are family!
Family members: 
Mother: Jung Miyoung | 45 | Pastry Chef | Living | She's a very lovable and caring person. She's really thoughtful and one of the sweetest mother that you can find. | Their really close. Even though Yuzie at cooking & baking they still enjoy each other's company in the kitchen because miyoung likes cooking and baking.
Father: Jung Donghyun | 49 | Business Manager | He's a serious,intelligent and wise guy. He's a scary guy when he's working and he can be a workaholic type. He's a nice and caring guy when it comes to his only child. He's also overprotective | Their also close but not that close because Donghyun is too busy on his work.
Bestfriend: Luhan | 21 | Member of EXO-M | Living | He's a nice and friendly chinese guy. He's helpful and polite to elders. He likes making people smile and laugh like Yuzie. He's a very talented guy. | Their really close. They treat each other like siblings. | They met when Yuzie was 13 and Luhan was 15. Yuzie's Mother and Luhan's Mother are childhood bestfriends since Yuzie's Mother studied at China. There she met Luhan's Mother. When Luhan and her mother went to Korea,Yuzie and her Mother went to the airport just to see them. Luhan and Yuzie became friends.
Friend: Kris | 21 | Leader of EXO-M | Living | He's a quiet fella. He's a responsible one and trust-worthy. People find him serious since he doesn't smile a lot and likes to frown. | The sometimes talk about stuffs. Kris is comfortable when he talks to Yuzie,So is Yuzie. | They met because of Luhan. Luhan called Yuzie to eat with him on a restaurant. Yuzie went there and was surprised that he brought Kris along with him.
Friend: Sulli | 18 | Visual of f(x) | Living | She's a bubbly and cute girl. She's sweet and very nice. She can be a drama queen and cry baby though. | Their simply friends. They sometimes talk on phone and go to the mall to shop | They met when Yuzie went to SM just to visit Luhan. She got lost,but good thing,Sulli was there to help her.
Rival: Minzy | 2NE1 | 19 | Maknae of 2ne1 
State the reason why: Music bank set a special stage between 2NE1's Minzy and Eternal's Yuzie for a dance showdown. When they were practicing,Minzy noticed that Yuzie is more better than her. She started to envy and get jealous of Yuzie. During the performance on stage,Yuzie blew the stage off and received a lot cheers. Minzy started to hete Yuzie.
the city of love!
Love interest: Baekhyun
Did you already meet? nuuh not yet. but they'll meet during eternal's performance on Inkigayo. Yuzie sneakingly went out of the building and went to the nearest milk tea store. She bumped on Baekhyun and there you go,The fairytale of Yuzie and Baekhyun is starting.
If yes, then how, when, where? //
Relationship: people who sees them thinks they have a relationship. they act like couples because their too 'lovey dovey' to each other. but if people ask them if they have a relationship they'll simply say NO.
How will your love story turn out? a member of eternal acts like a cupid. she can't stand seeing the two acting so lovey dovey and their relationship status is only friends. that's why she want these two to be in a relationship. she set them up on a date. there they admitter their feelings for each other and there you go,they live happily ever after.
Any scene request? you decide author-nim ^^ i trust you ;~;
Any past lovers? she had a past crush on Luhan.
Back up love interest: EXO-K's Suho
Describe the back-up's personality: The oh-so-great leader of EXO-K. He's a nice guy. A bit flirty and likes to be sweet around girls. He's also a approachable and gives good advice.
who wants the center stage?
Stage name: Yuzie
Persona: The Happy Virus or The Smiling Sunshine
Group Position: 
(2) Main Singer, Sub-Dancer
(1) Main Dancer, Sub-Singer
( ) Main Rapper, Lead Dancer
( ) Lead Singer, Sub-Rapper
( ) Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer 
( ) Visual, Lead-Singer, Lead Dancer [I'll be taking this, sorry!]
Individual Fanclub name: Yuzieddiction
State your reason why? mixture of Yuzie and Addiction. The fans are addicted to Yuzie & they can't get enough of her. According to her,It's called 'Yuzieddiction'
Individual Fanclub color: pastel pink & yellow sunshine (pastel pink is her fave color & yellow sunshine because,she's like the sunshine of the group and yellow symbolizes the color of the sun)
let's decide about the group!
Fanclub name: Eternity 
Fanclub color: Gray and Purple
Fanclub emblem: Infinity Sign but Infinite took it =.= haha. maybe a diamond sign? c:
Any nice greetings in mind? "To infinity and beyond! Annyeong Haseyo,Eternal imnida"
Album title: To Infinity & Beyond
Song suggestions: Hit U by Dal Shabet or Cry Cry by T-ARA
end of adventure! (finally -.-)
Did you enjoy this? of course! <3
Any comments?:  gorgeous app form! stunning story! lovely author! bow~ *bows*
Any violent reactions? none ^^
Anything you forgot about? uhm,if i'm chosen,please use hana as my character's appearance? Pleaseu? because her personality matches her looks and i really love the fact that she looks like taeyeon <3 


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