Application for Nemo entertainment


AFF Username: BRee_22 

AFF Link: BRee_22 -


Name: Skylar Kwon/Kwon Ji Hae

Age:19(inter) 20(korean)

Nationality: Half Korean Half Japanese


Current Home:Seoul,Korea


She is very down to earth,caring,lovable and understanding daughter/Dongsaeng.She prefers being called by her english name Skylar.She is very hard working and she always wants her family to be proud of her.Her personality can warm up everyones hearts.She doesnt really like to boast thats why she hates those kind of people.But when you get on her bad side you should run!!!Even though she has a sweet personality she doesnt like people to look down on her or thinks highly on themswelves.Thats why when she has a bad temper she always brings her sketchpad & ipod to let her anger cool off.

She really loves her coke.Sky is a very cheeky and straight forward person.She can be annoying at times but she's really a happy go lucky girl.She is very kind and friendly.She is always there if you need help.She can give really good advice and she is a good listener.She can be like one of the boys because she is the only girl out of three siblings.She is also vey talented.She can be really sweet towards her family and friends.You can easily get close to her because she is very friendly.And she really hates it if people touches her coke.She has a collection of caps and high tops but mostly books because she loves to read.She is like a bookworm she always reads books at her free time.She really likes to write songs and produce music.She gets her inspiration in writing songs by her past relationships or on what she see's.When she always pass by a beautiful scenery she will always get her sketch book and she will then draw that scenery.She also loves photography when she was little she always wishes to be like her mother and father. 
She and her brothers are really really close.When she is with them she becomes really childish and CUTE(well that's what her brothers say).Her brothers and friends often tell her that her childish and Cute side mostly shows when she see's cute stuff or stuffed toys.Her older brother Jiyong or also known as G-Dragon is very protective of her because he really cares for Skylar .While Jiyong is very protective of her Sky is very protective over her little brother Yong jin (but he prefers to be called by his english name Seige) because he is already 18 and that she doesn't want her brother to go through a wrong path in life.She and her brothers favorite thing to do together is going to the mall(that's why they are fashionistas).She and her brothers closeness are really tight to the point where you cant separate them with each other.

But what her parents doesn't know is that Sky is a party girl at night only her brothers and friends know about her partying.She always go to clubs with her brothers Jiyong(G-Dragon) and Yongjin(Seige).Jiyong(G-Dragon) was the one who introduced her to clubs and he was also the one who taught Sky how to drink and now Sky already has a high tolerance of alcohol.Of course even though they look like the perfect children for their parents in the day the 3 also needs some fun right so why not be party people at night everyone isn't perfect they all have flaws right.


~ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!
~cute stuff
~dating older guys


~horror movies
~two faced
~naggy people
~people who touches her coke
~she doesn't like it when guys keeps staring at her for a long time because it gives her the creeps

Position: Triple Threat

-He and Skylar are best friends and they are really close.And because she was really thankful to him because he was the one who comforted her when she was going through a break up.He helped her move on and eventually both developed feelings for each other but are oblivious to it.They are always together so many people mistake them as a couple.They are always there comforting each other if one has a problem.And Skylar's two brothers,Heechul,Jessica,Beast,2ne1 and the chocoballs are doing stuff just to get Sky and Junhyung together because they think they are a perfect couple and that they also have many things in common.


How you were discovered:
At first Sky was a trainee in YG and she got accepted.She only trained there for a year then she decided to move to CUBE because Hong offered her to be a trainee there so she accepted because she can be with her 3 other best friends Hyuna,Junhyung and Yoseob.But after 2 years she decided to move to another company because she and Hyuna had some issues to where she wants to avoid her so her Best friend Heechul and Jessica said that she should try for SM.So she took her best friend's advice but when she first auditioned she didn't got accepted but when she tried for the second time she got accepted.And she was  a trainee there for 2 years.Then she decided to try out for Nemo Entertainment because wants to start a new with out anybody's help and she also decided to audition with her younger brother Yong Jin.

Anything Else:

~babyish when she is with her brothers(that's why sometimes yongjin is confused on who really is the maknae in their family)
~she is the most calm and composed when everybody around her is nervous so that she can help them to calm down(she is like this mostly when her older brother and his groupmates will have concerts or performances that's why they sometimes call her the mediator)
~people say that when she is helping her father manage their company they say that she has this charismatic appeal that they cannot point out and that they can be drawn to it
~her father also said that he sometimes see Ji hae as a compassionate girl that is too dedicated to her work

~she has piercings(Belly Button,left ear,left ear just the first 3 ignore the upper one,Right Ear)

~ she has 4 tattoos(On the right side of the neck like rihanna's,On her left wrist,On the nape,On the right side of left back shoulder)

~she has abs but doesnt like to show it even though her brothers or her stylist likes her to wear crop tops or some tops that stops right below the chest
~can speak and right in 8 different languages(English,Mandarin,Korean,Japanese,French,Thai,Cantonese,Portuguese)
~likes to be alone when she is writing or making some beats for the song when frustrated
~she always has a sketchpad wherever she goes because she likes to draw
~she is the little sister of bigbang's leader G-Dragon
~She and Yong Jin likes to go to the gym(thats why both of them have abs to die for even though Skylar is a girl)
~the last time she used violence on Jiyong was when she got pissed off by Jiyong because he drank her coke and Jiyong learned NEVER to touch her coke EVER again because things could get NASTY
~She likes to brothers,friends and groupmates when she knows about the persons who they like (but she mostly does this to her brothers and groupmates because she is with them 24/7^^)
~she has a thing for rappers and older guys^^
~she and Jiyong likes to do a free style rapping battle in their free time or when they hang out^^
~she is the tallest among her siblings her height is actually 178cm and other people think that her height is a bit intimidating
~she has a few friends in the idol world and one of her bestfriends is Heechul of Super Junior because both of them has bloodtype AB and that Heechul likes Skylar to always hang out with his group of friends and they are called chocoballs so she is really close to them and treats her like a little sister
~was a YG and CUBE trainee in  the past

~ her lips when she is comcentrated on doing something
~stutters or blushes when she is near a person she likes
~likes to smirk when performing or when she likes to intimidate people
~bites her lip when she is nervous
~likes to punch stuff when she is pissed(and that RARELY happens)
~likes skinship alot
~likes to backhug people she is close to(both male and female)
~likes to kiss people when she is drunk
~likes to throw stuff at people if they disturb her sleep(but that rarely happens because she is an early riser)

~she loves to cook and take care of others
~style of clothing:

Casual Style(what she wears when she goes out and hang out with friends)



Formal and Casual Dresses

Clubbing Style

Beach Style

Sports/Training Style

And also she has problems with:


~she and sky were best friends back then but when Sky caught her and Zico making out sky was broken hearted and she treated hyuna as an enemy while hyuna was feeling guilty to what happened and that she realized that she lost such a great best friend she decided to gain Sky's trust back again and that she will never betray her again.She will do anything just to be forgiven.

~He and sky dated for 2 years.Until they broke up because Sky caught him cheating on her with Hyuna.But now he regrets on what he did and that he decided to win back sky's trust and most especially her heart.....but the question is will he win Sky's heart?^^



Name: Seige Kwon/Kwon Yongjin

Age: 18(inter) 19(korean)

Nationality: Half Korean Half Japanese

Hometown: Seoul,Korea

Current Home: Seoul,Korea

He prefers being called Seige but he sometimes considers being called yongjin.He is sometimes called a player because of his looks but he isn't really a player he is just close to girls because most of his friends are girls and he respects women because he thinks that if he broke a girl's heart he thinks that he is hurting his Ji Hae noona(Skylar) and his friends that are girls.He is a bit annoying well that's what Ji Hae tells him.He is really sweet and funny and he can lighten up the mood.He is the mood maker in their family.He has 2 older siblings and his older brother is Kwon Jiyong or also known as G-Dragon and then his older sister is Kwon Ji Hae but she likes to be called by her english name Skylar.

He likes to call Ji Hae 'Haeby' because he and his Jiyong hyung was the one's who gave her that nickname.He is sometimes confused on who is the real maknae of the family,because Ji Hae always act childish around the 3 of them.When he needs something from Ji Hae he likes to bribe her with Coke,Pikachu ans ESPECIALLY bubble tea because he knows her obsession with it.He is a bit sneaky like his Jiyong hyung because the two of them always sneak in Ji Hae's closet and change some of her wardrobe to Crop tops or tops that stops below her chest because he and Jiyong likes to go shopping.Well even though he is sometimes confused on who's the real maknae of the family he has his times on being the most childish in the bunch.

But when he gets pissed it means your digging up your own grave.In the whole family only Jiyong has a really fast and bad temper but he stays calm.But when it comes to Ji Hae and Yong Jin it's different because the two RARELY gets mad but Ji Hae is the only one who can get calm and Yong Jin isn't.But when they are full of it you're dead and sometimes Jiyong said that those two can get really scary and he said that the situation can get NASTY.But Yong Jin also thought that Ji Hae is scarier than him when she gets mad because Yong Jin always obsereved Ji Hae when she gets angry and he see's that Ji Hae will not talk because she is calming her nerves down and then gets back to her childish self.When Yong Jin is pissed the only people that can calm him down is his siblings but mostly Ji Hae calms him down because he is a bit scared of his Ji Hae noona.

He and his siblings are really close and they always say that no one can break them apart.They always hang out with each other when Jiyong has free time.The 3 siblings would always go shopping,clubbing and sometimes Yong Jin and Ji Hae would force Jiyong to go to the gym and thet he is too skinny.He started to go clubbing when he still under age and that was on his 17th birthday with Jiyong and Ji Hae.

~Banana Milk
~calling Jiyong(Yongie hyung) and Ji Hae(Haeby noona) the nicknames he made for them
~shopping(because Jiyong influenced him)
~playing sports
~Bubble Tea
~hanging out with his siblings
~going to the gym
~playing/joking around

~Rude people
~Two faced
~Being weak
~Bitter food
~people who hurt his family(especially Ji Hae)

Position: Main Vocalist + Lead Rapper

Partner: IU-because she is really cute and sweet.And he always see her at their house because she is a good friend of his Ji Hae noona and so the two girls hang out alot.And when Ji Hae found out that Yong Jin likes IU she always teases him.And also IU is a 3 months older than Yong Jin because Yong Jin was born in August like his 2 other siblings(Yong Jin-August 1,Ji Hae-August 10,Jiyong-August 18).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

How you were discovered: He was actually a YG trainee like his Ji Hae noona but he stayed there for 2years unlike Ji Hae who only stayed for a year.Then he decided to leave YG and transfer to CUBE because he feels awkward and uncomfortable when he is training with the other YG trainee's that are girls because they keep staring at him and he hates it and at that time Ji hae is already training their for almost a year.But after another year of training in CUBE his sister Ji Hae left and moved to SM because she had problems with Hyuna so Yong Jin was left at CUBE and stayed there for 4 years.Then suddenly one day Ji Hae asked Yong Jin if he wants to start a new without anybody's help.So Yong Jin came with Ji Hae to audition for Nemo Entertainment and both got accepted.

Anything Else:
~Yong Jin has a tattoo on his right forearm (Tattoo) it was his first tattoo and he got it along with Ji Hae and Jiyong so that the three of them have the tattoos but in different places.
~he har 5 piercing on his right ear and 3 piercings on the left ear
~he has another tattoo that is on his chest(it is shown in the picture of the ulzzang)
~he plays 6 different instruments like his sister(piano,acoustic guitar,electric guitar,violin,drums,saxophone)
~he hates the guts of Ji Hae's ex-boyfriend Woo Jiho(Zico)
~he is very shy when people wants to see his abs and blushes
~stutters when he is near someone he likes
~he likes to singing and rapping but he prefers singing
~he had 4 ex-girlfriends
~he knows how to speak and write in 5 different languages(english(Fluent),japanese(fluent),korean(fluent),French(fluent),Mandarin(fluent))


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