I Quite Like My Life

Honestly? I quite like my life.

Yeah, I mean a lot of people tell me that I'm SUPPOSED to hate it but honestly? Why should I?

My parents taught me since I was young that I should be grateful for what I have.

I mean even without them telling me that, when I see the little caterpillars dying on the ground, the squirrels trapped in cages, the birds without a wing, the kids begging for food...

I'm grateful to my parents.

I don't believe in thinking that I'm lucky, luck isn't a factor there.

My parents are good people and they have given me a comfortable life, isn't that something to be grateful for?


When my mom told me that I was to go back to Beijing for a year of school because I needed to learn how to read and write Chinese, she started looking around at all the good middle/high schools in Beijing. She asked around, she called friends she hadn't talked to for years.

When I found out that it was to get me out of the house so she could better take care of my little brother as I was eavesdropping on her and my dad, did it matter much to me? Not really.

I was happy enough that they were willing to share the only child experience with my brother and spent over 10000$ on me.

Honestly, China was probably the best experience in my life. Beijing Normal High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University..

I half didn't want to come back to Canada, I mean, what awaits me here?

People who smirk at me everytime they see me and laugh at my love for Korean groups.


My father goes to all my brother's school meetings, buys him a new box of toys every few weeks and tells me to take care of the little boy.

I don't see the problem with that.


Am I happy with my life? Yes.

I have enough pleasure in my life to get by. Piano, kpop, mangakas, Arashi..NYC..News..Utada Hikaru, Mai Kuraki, those people are seriously amazing.

Do I wish that I could be that talented? Yes.

Am I? Probably not. But do I care? No. Why? I work hard.


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you go girl~
Wow. Yup, let's all think positive here. :D No one could judge you but yourself. I mean, why would they say that you should hate your life even if they don't know what you really feel inside? They smirk because you love kpop? Mind their own business! KPOP IS ONE OF THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED IN THE LIFE OF A FANGIRL/FANBOY. They just don't know anything. -.- As my motto says...here it comes again~ x) "You shouldn't know ones background to like them; everything comes afterwards." This is why antis doesn't know anything. -.- Stay positive unni! We're here for ya! ^____^