Couple Solitary (:

Couples Solitary
Username:  Lovinghimx3
Your Name: Kim Sunni
Age: 20

Nationality: Chinese and Korean




Personality: She's one of the most nicest person you can ever meet.  She's really caring and her friends are the world to her.  She defends them and helps them whenever they need help.  She's the type of person that don't fall for things that easily.  Meaning, she's not a gulible person.  Strangers and people that she just met, most likely will have trouble trying to get real close to her.  She hates arguing with others and prefers not to, but if she has to, she would not back down and she can be pretty smart with what she says.  She's a person that doesn't give up and is really self-motivated.  She's full of energy and passion.  As a student, she's a really smart girl and often paricipates in class.  As a soccer team captain, she can be quite strict and mean.  She cares about the team members a lot and often keeps first aid kits around.  During games, she gets really competitive and loves winning.  She's the type of girl that loves keeping in shape and staying fit.  She's also the type of person that is a health freak and clean freak.  Meaning, she can be the umma of the house.  She cleans up the house when she's bored and likes to keep the house clean.  She hates when people don't care about their health, so she tends to give a lecture about eating properly and stuff like that. xD

Interest/Hobbies: Soccer, Drawing, Playing the computer, Eating, Dancing, Running, Cooking, Jump Roping, Cleaning up the house.
Habits: Biting her lips when thinking, Tilting head when confused, Cleaning when bored, Playing with fingers when nervous, Tapping foot when impatient, Facepalming when something weird happens.
Likes: Ramen, Winter, Sports, Music, 1OO calorie snacks, Movies, Being Creative, Balloons, Flowers, Amusement/Water Parks.

Dislikes: Bugs, Thunder, Dust, Raw Meat, Burnt Food, Needles, Pain.

Relationship Status: Dating

Partner:Choi Minho from SHINee

Age:  21

Personality: He's really caring and nice.  He's not very open to strangers and people he just met.  It takes a while for him to fully trust someone.  & once you get to know him, he's really funny and talkative.  He also has a great sense of humor and knows exactly what to do to make people laugh.  He loves sports and is a really athletic person, and is extremely competitive and sometimes won't accept defeat if he loses.

How long have you been together?:  2 Years

How did you meet?: Sunni and Minho met through Soccer.  Sunni was 18 while Minho was 19.  Soccer was apparently their common interest and hobby and talent.  They both were the 2 captains of their school's soccer team, which brought them closer to each other.  

How and when did the problems start?: They were having a huge party for the end of the school year.  And everyone was invited.  Sunni had to leave early, for some personal reasons.

What do you think caused your relationship to crack?: He was cheating on her with her best friend.

What does your partner think caused the relationship to crack?: That she cares about everything else more than she cares about him.

What flaws do you two have?

Her Flaws: She's lactose intolerant and is extremely afraid of bugs and thunder.  & can't stand pain.

His Flaws: He has a lot of doubts.  & when something's bothering him, he doesn't tell anyone and decides to bottle it up.  Doesn't like to lose.

Do you honestly think this relationship will work out in the end?:  Yes

Who signed you up for this and why?: Partner

Do you have any friends or family we should know about?: Bestfriend= Sulli from F(x)
Questions/Comments/Concerns?: Hwaiting (:

Is there anything else that needs to be known?:

1) She loves the color blue.

2) She's a lefty.

3) She's always wearing a star shaped necklace representing good luck.

4) She hates when people curse or swear.

5) Her most prized posession is a light up turtle key chain that Minho gave her.

6) She's an only child.


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this some fic idea u got going on OCEAN?