Rant Rant Rant 10~

For those of you who actually read my blog.

Just wanted to say some things xD

No one probably reads these things but yeah anyways.

Some biases of mine that I didn't post up are~



People I ship~

JunSeob <33

TaePyo <33

There's a bunch of others but I'm lazy :/

Oh and for those who don't know pauchii is my twin sister xD

kekekekeke. Not really she's my older sister in rl xD

Look it's us! isharealotdonti?

Well I'm currently writing the next chappie for Unwanted Secrets, Broken Promises. Yeaah. :D


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I don't mind :D<br />
I feel happy that somebody actually bothers to read it ^o^
innocent_panda #2
I'm reading all of your blogs.. call me stalker but bleeeeehhhh...