To All My Readers (of any story)

I probably won't update anything for a while and I have a good reason! You see, on Thursday (today is Saturday where I am), I had surgery on my arm (abscess removal - nothing too serious) and I'm in a lot of pain and it kind of hurts to type a lot so I'm trying not to type so much. Thankfully the incision is on my left arm and I'm right-handed so I may be able to hand-write something but then it'll somehow have to be typed up anyway.

Anyway, if you like my stories and you're interested in reading others, I have some stories on the way (but I won't post them any time soon - I need to finish my current ones). But here are the banners/posters for you to 'ooh' and 'ahh' over.



(^this name is only temporary)





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get well soon :)