question answers



Q-if u were on a stranded island and TOP and Daesung were there.. which one wuld u kill to eat?
And u cant say neither mwhahahha!

A- thats a mean question.... well i wouldnt want to eat daesing because he's too happy and lovely but dont wanna eat TOP cause hes my bias ahhhhhhhhhhh ermmmmm ermmm i would hunt fpr coconuts hahaha. right ok i'd have to sayyy TOP because daesung would just make it seem funny and ok...  I STILL LOVE YOU TOP :D


Q-If You Could Marry Any Korean Idol Who Would It Be?

A- hmmm Yoochun hes the first korean idol i ever liked


Q-If you could be the writer of any story here in AFF,what would the story be? 

A- i'd love to be the author of running scared but the author is amazing




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ILuvBigBang #1
Lol sorry that was a pretty intense question that even i cant answer! XD
Wuld u rather marry Jiyong or Taeyang?
What would u do if u met TOP? (Like seriously what wuld u do cause idk what i wuld do!)
Do u think Seungri can be rlly annoying with how much he loves attention?
Whats ur fav color?
Who is ur favorite band in KPop?
who is ur least fav band in kpop?
why did the chicken cross the road? Ive always wondered
whats 4 times 1000000009?
Why am i asking so many questions?
How are u so patient?
Do u like cheese?
Whats ur fav animal?
lol ok i will stop now! XD