EXO's Maid at Your Service! | Lee Sungjin's Application

Application Form ♥

AFF Life ♥

AFF Username : xxfruitsbasketxx

Profile Link : CLICKU~!


Basic Information ♥

Name : Lee Sungjin

Nickname(s) : Sung Sung/Jinnie (only used by those closest to her)

Age : 19 years old

Birth date : 04/01/1993

Birth place : California

Hometown : Hong Kong

Nationality : Chinese

Height : 153 cm / 5'1"

Weight : 50 kg / 110 llbs.


About you ♥

Description/Personality : When you meet her, she seems really cold, calm, and extremely quiet, but if you become a really close friend, she's actually hyper and loud. Unfortunately, you have to be an EXTREMELY close friend for her to act this way. When she's by herself in front of strangers or a large crowd it's as if she's lost all train of thought. Basically, she has a huge case of stage fright in front of large crowds of people/strangers. Ask any friend of hers and they'll tell you people always ask why Sungjin is so quiet while the friend just sheepishly smiles knowing it's no use explaining. If she has the choice, she'll usually settle with "behind-the-scenes" work and although she puts a lot of work and thought into something, she's fine with other people taking the majority credit. One of her strongest points is her observing ability of others and of situations. Similarly, no one knows she's hyper or loud at all; though most people usually come to the conclusion that she’s either mysterious or stuck-up. Also, despite her age, and never being in a relationship before, she’s a great old sister type who can give good advice. Sometimes people mistake her for being older because of her “wise” life and relationship advice. Even though she’s great at hiding what she really feels, and though people compliment her on her great ability of acting naturally, Sungjin has a playfully short temper. Also, although she likes to make facial expressions, she’s really good at controlling them. For example, have a “Who-Smiles-First-is-the-Loser-Contest”, and you’ll lose hands down. Although, I must warn: uses sarcasm/witty remarks; extremely stubborn when she wants things to go her way; she can be a rather bitter, negative person in a semi-evil way. Another thing to note, is that she can’t really cook; she's capabe of cooking, even though she has rarely cooked, but she doesn't know any dishes herself, so she has to resort to following a recipe. Lastly, two points about Sungjin is: [1] she's a very realistic girl...not the type to believe in fairy tales; sure she daydreams and has a very creative mind, but when it comes to viewing the real world and her future, she's not the type think her life is that of a fairytale princess (likewise, she's an observer and learns a lot about life through that...which also explains how she is not only wise with relationships but also life); [2] she's a worrying over-thinker.
[NUTSHELL] In short, unless she trusts you (which is something really hard to obtain), she is the type of person who has a very mysterious/quiet facade about her in which she's able to hide and keep silent about who she is. She is seen as a very young capable, intelligent, and innocent heir alongside her siblings for their family's business.

Other aspects :

Blood Type - A


  • Mango pudding & melon drinks
  • Peace & quiet
  • Bookstores
  • Organization
  • Anything cute


  • Being tickled or teased about her height
  • Talking on the phone with people (feels like it's a very awkward thing to do even with family)
  • Sports involving running
  • Coffee
  • People who drink, do drugs, and/or cuss

Habits :

  • Switching languages mid-sentences (Multilingual: [Fluent] English, Cantonese, [Moderate-Semi/Almost Fluent] Mandarin & Korean)
  • Bugging people until they go her way
  • Running away/hiding behind someone when she sees a bug

Talents :

  • Violin & piano
  • Calligraphy
  • Working with computers/technology

Your past : Sungjin was born into a wealthy/affluent family with two older brothers, one of which is her twin. Because their parents wanted their children to represent East Asia and to showcase their company as a truly global company, her older brother has a Chinese name, her twin has a Japanese name, and she has a Korean name. Her education consisted of studying in Hong Kong for 1st-3rd grade, Tokyo for 4th-6th grade, California for 7th-10th grade, and finally to Seoul for the last two years of high school and currently for college. Although she was never growing up in her hometown, she was always accompanied by her older twin brother--the two going to school together.

Being from a wealthy family, Sungjin is expected to marry the son of another highly-established company in order to secure business relationships. This is a fact that she knows and accepts; after all, she’s not going to be some wishful girl thinking her prince charming is going to appear one day and her parents are going to accept it. Besides, she’s never fallen in love so she doesn’t think finding her “one true love” is going to happen anyway; maybe there’ll be someone to prove her wrong, but until that time, she’s not going to bother fighting against her parents. However, she’s made an agreement with her parents: she will be allowed to pursue anything she wants until that time comes.


Relationships ♥

Parents :

Name: Jacob Lee, Age: 56 years old, Relation: Father, Occupation: Company CEO (similar to a conglomerate for clothes, make-up/perfume, and electronics as different branches)

Name: Melody Lee, Age: 56 years old, Relation: Mother, Occupation: Marketing & Design Director (of said family company)

Siblings :


[1] Name: Lee Zengguang, Age: 21 years old, Relation: Older Brother

[2] Name: Lee Satoshi, Age: 19 years old, Relation: Older Twin Brother

(Okay, so the problem with her having any idol as a sibling is the fact that Sungjin is full Chinese XD But if that doesn't really matter, and you might prefer to write about idols rather than OC siblings, then instead of the names above, use: [OLDER BROTHER] Lee Donghae (Super Junior) & [OLDER TWIN BROTHER] Lee Kikwang (Beast))

Friends : [Best Friends] Victoria of f(x) & Jiyeon of T-ara

Enemies/Rivals : N/A

Lover / Crush / Master : [1] Luhan, [2] Lay, [3] Baekhyun (honestly no real preferences though among these 3)

First meeting : (Okay, so I don't know if you intended the outing to be a full-blown thing, a date, a whole day, or what, so although this doesn't "last" the while day, there is quite a lot of scenes in here, so feel free to pick out the ones you want :D)

He's basically got their outing planned out in which it might seem like all fun and games, but in fact is quite strategically planned (isn't he a little smarty)! First off, he wants her to pick two places she wants to go; his reason for this he doesn't tell her, but it's to get to know what she likes. Unaware of his plan, Sungjin chooses two of her favorite places: the bookstore & music store. At the bookstore she gets lost in her own world of words browsing through the isles looking at every book that catches her attention. Heading to the music store, she wanders through the shelves of CDs when she comes upon EXO's debut mini-album, proudly holding it up to show him, smiling like she found the best treasure.

Truthfully she doesn't follow EXO all that much, but she can recognize them (& successfully found their CD). Up until this point, from asking her where she wants to go, to the bookstore, and then to here, the music store, Sungjin hasn't really spoken much being the shy, quiet, or maybe awkward self that she is, unless he asks her a question, she has rarely said a word. However, while she's lowering the CD, she playfully inquires if he'll give her a CD autographed by all the members. He's taken aback not because of her request, but because she was actually starting the conversation; not to mention seems to be more comfortable. Because of this "breakthrough" he immediately blurts out an excited yes while running up to her, in the process, startling her.

After the music store, he starts the rest of his plan; the first destination is a cute little one-man owned clothing boutique where he forces her to choose something (in order to find out her style). Unfortunately for him, she's rather stubborn herself and quite successfully refuses to find something. Still determined to get her an outfit, he ends up choosing an outfit he wants her to wear. While he rummages throughout the store zipping to one side to the other compiling an outfit, Sungjin sticks around the jewelry section admiring a cute necklace-ring set. The set consists of a gold colored ring with an infinite sign as the design. Within the infinite sign, a gold heart with a sapphire blue stone protrudes from the outline. The necklace is the same design for the pendant, but the chain and pendant are silver and the heart has a ruby stone instead.

(Here's a rough view of what I mean because I know my description is horrible; this is a horrible representation as well since I just photoshopped this, but yeah...oh, and the stone isn't in this photo, but it's supposed to be in the heart & in the shape of a heart)

Amidst his rushing about looking for an outfit, he still keeps her in view and sees her interest in the set. Finally he compiles an outfit, forces the clothes into her hands and pushes her into the dressing room. She comes out and he finds he picked the cutest outfit for her and wants to buy it, but she refuses to let him buy it. Not wanting to put her in a sulking angered mood, he finally agrees not to buy it, but notes the clothes he paired up, and does not forget to at least make her take a picture with him in the clothes he chose. Claiming he needs to put the clothes away, he tells her to wait for him outside to get some fresh air. Once she's outside the window, he rushes to the necklace-ring set, grabs it, and pays for it quickly; stuffing the tiny bag in his pocket, he walks out ready to take her to their next destination: the park!

His motive is to see how comfortable she is with skinship (as a reference, she personally loves skinship like hugging and fluffy stuff, but she doesn't show it and is really good at hiding that she likes it). Arriving at the park, he attempts to play tag with her, but she dislikes running and they end up playing hide-and-seek; one round he find her from behind. Then he drags her to the swings sitting her down and pushes her from the back. After a while he stops her swing and covers her eyes with his hands, catching her off guard. Making her promise not to peek, he takes one hand to somewhat cover both her eyes and with the other hand produces a small bento box set. Not wanting to occupy the swings and keep them away from kids, the two move to a bench to eat his self-made bento boxes. Inside are simple sushi rolls and panda shaped onigiri. Not intending to make the outing to be a date or anything, he doesn't take her to dinner and decided to make bentos as a semi-snack/lunch, most likely the one time he will cook for her seeing as she is the maid in this program. To end the outing, instead of the typical park and ice cream combo, they head to a boba shop. What flavors will these two choose?

Love problems? : Well, she does have an arranged marriage...


Your face ♥

Name : Kim Seukhye/Joo

Links :





Name : Park Hwanhui/Hana






Other information ♥

Requests : N/A


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