||♔ || KEYZ ||♔ || APPLICATION


||♔ KEY ♔||


Park Joori!



AFF Username: Joo Hye

Profile Link: Come At Me(:

Nick: JJ



Name: Park Joo Hye

Nicknames: Joori

Age: 17 year old, stop aging at 19

Date of Birth: April 12, 1995

Blood Type: O

Height: 169cm


Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 British

Languages Spoken: English, Korean, French



Name of Ulzzang/Model used: AngelaBaby

Appearance/Links:  2 3 4 5 6

Back-up Ulzzang/Model: Park Ji Min

Style: 1 2 3 

  • Events/Occasional/Party: 1 2 3 
  • Training: 1 
  • Work clothes: 1 
  • Night wear: 1 2 3

Extra/s: Music note tattoo on right ankle



Personality: She is outgoing and at the same time annoying. She is also very cautious when is come to trust, it take quite awhile for a person to gain her trust. She love being surrounded by friends, she is like the center, she enjoy the attention. She listen to people's problem and try to comfort or give them advice. She can literally make anyone laugh with her randomness and funniness. Crack a lot of jokes, and always smiles, or spontaneous. Hates it when people mock her, she'll turn from nice to mean in a second. She is definitely in love with Chocolates, without it she is already loud and crazy, with it she can go even louder and crazier.

Fact: If you have a bad day, and want a spirit lift. Give her a Chocolate bar, and get ready for a good laugh.

As much fun as she is to be around with she is also very straightforward & bossy. Sometimes she can be too blunt that she hurt someone's feeling in a snap. Her bossiness is also very annoying. She order people around all the time. It's flaw, and she know it. She try not to be bossy, but it doesn't work out so well. One more thing she can literally make anybody feel dumb with her smart-mouthed.


  • Chocolates
  • Mickey Mouse
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Video Games
  • Cute Stuffs
  • Winter
  • Snow
  • Christmas


  • Cats
  • Clowns
  • Dolls
  • Ants
  • Nuts
  • Potatoes
  • Stawberries
  • Cinnamon
  • Shrimps


  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Taekwondo
  • Shopping
  • Doodle



  • Swear a lot
  • Smart-mouthed


  • Stick tongue out while thinking
  • Roll eyes when annoys


  • The Dark
  • Dolls
  • Clowns

Secret: In love with a JOKER


  • Obsess with Mickey Mouse
  • Can't criss cross
  • Like the color red, white, black , kaki
  • Cry when she is insulted
  • Dislike Blood


|| AS A KEY ||

TORCH: JaeHyun

His LOCKET: Liberty Bracelet

Your Relationship/Attitudes: They make a really good team, understand each other. Treat one another like brother and sister, just argue and fight alot. 

Abillity/Power: Control fire & Heal by touch

WorkShe enjoy being a KEY, hunting and closing JOKERZ is all good to her as long as not killing them. She can't never kill anyone.


Weapon: Blade whip,  will go on fire when she say so.

Familiar spirit: Scarlet Moon White Wolf, call Lupi



Love Interest: 

  1. Chunji  / JOKER
  2. Minho / JOKER

His Personality: 

  1. Chunji: He is arrogant, don't really care about anybody except for the people that he love. Friendly in a way, can be cold. Can say that he is evil, mean and rude. Have a warm side too, but doesn't show it at all. 
  2. Minho: Similar to Chunji, but rather than being talkative and bright like Chunji, Minho tend to be mysterious and cold hearted.

Your Relationship

  1. Chunji: They met when JaeHyun was trapped in the wood and Joori came looking for him, just in time to saved Jaehyun from getting killed by Chunji. Joori and Chunji fought, Joori was badly injured, but was be able to bring JaeHyun back to The Base. They're like rivals, and Chunji would always mock her for losing on their first fight.
  2. Minho: Met when he tried stealing JaeHyun's bracelet, but failed. Never like each other since day one.

Best Friend: Kim Hyuna / Human.

Friends: Yuri, Yoona, Onew, Wooyoung, one of the KEYS.



Rival/Enemy: Tia/ JOKER

Why?: She would always show up with Chunji, and they both mock Joori which irritate the hell out of her. And Tia had hurt JaeHyun when Joori didn't pay attention to them becaus eshe was arguing with Chunji.


|| EXTRA ||

Comments: Your story is creative(:

Suggestions/Ideas: I added Chunji from Teen Top to be my love interest and is a JOKER, Hyuna of 4Minute as my best friend she is a HUMAN, Wooyoung if 2PM as my friend also as HUMAN, and Tia of Chocolat as my rival she is a JOKER.




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Your app is really good, thanks for adding the other characters as well!

Your password made me grin xD