So funnayyyy (*Only being sarcastic )

It's so funny that my new story's views are going up allot faster than my  other stories. It's so funny how every one is quiet and no reaction came out of them. It's either they don't like unicorns, my creativity is creeping them out, or they just see that theres just one chapter so they just move on and don't bother reading it.

I hate those kind of people. They need to give a story a chance. Read the intro. and the chapter thats there. Don't be skipping out and looking for stories with more chapters just because there's more to read and you don't have to wait so long.

Sheeus, T3T Unicorns are beautiful.

Thxs for my inspiration.  -->   ZOMBIE VS UNICORN WHOOOOHAAA~!


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--minyoungiie #1