My update, RP and EXO-K

Pssh.. so guess what? Today, I get out my USB and I go to look at my Jjong story document and I see what I had started is not there. So I look in my notebook and see only the last half. So I look around in all my notebooks and can't find it =__= So it is LOST. Of course!


But I also have thought about making my own RP :3 But that requires other admins, so I was wondering if any of you would like to be an admin in an RP I make :D We can work together yo ^__^


Oh and I finally know all the names of the members of EXO-K :DD

D.O, Baekhyun, Kai, Suho, Sehun, and Chanyeol. Am I right? :3 Please say I'm right =_=


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LMAO well okay only if you want to :)
I know~ ...but you do, and you are always on them >.< Otherwise I wouldn't be able to talk to you~ You know that!
Nooo not yet >.<
HAHA cuz you dont really like RP's XDD
No, the group you've got to try and learn is A-Peace... the 21 member group :3 Good luck >.<
Yeah, I'll help you... why not?! :D
LOL XDD Yes I looked in all the books and binders I could find TT.TT
Oh really?? :D Yes on FB.
Aigoo yeah I know, EXO-M is my next target =_= And U-Kiss XDD
Noo~! You must find that chapter D: Have you looked ever? ...just remember what happened with your glasses... >.<
I'll help you with the RP~! ^^ would you do it on FB??
Yay for EXO K! ...Now you need to learn EXO M >.<