Elec-Trick Application


Aff Username: Kimjade

Aff Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/1668


Name: Bang Min Jung

Nickname: J, Minnie J, Jungie, Minnie me (by brother)

Age: 18

Birthday: April 21, 1993

Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea

Hometown: Ijak Island,Incheon, Seoul

Ethnicity: Korean

Language: Korean (fluent), Japanese (conversational/business), English (basic)

Blood Type: O

Height: 169cm

Weight: 50 kg


a good fight whether watching it or participating
quality rapping
watching others dance to improve her skills

weak willed people
dirty dishes
guys bathrooms
sushi (which is a cause for a denial of sibling-ship in Yong Guk’s eyes)

- Dancing
- Sketching/Painting (like graffiti painting)
- Practicing Rap and Beat Boxing
- Martial Arts
- Listening to music while reading Manhwa and chewing gum

- Scrunches her face up when annoyed
- Bites her thumb nail when anxious
- Ruffles her hair with both hands when exasperated


Personality: Min Jung is a caring girl, but she has a cold side to her that she definitely picked up from her brothers. She can be blunt and say things right out without pulling any punches. She likes to be lead though and respects her elders and Seonbae’s. She calls her parents more often than the guys do but that’s just her way.
She is loyal to her friends and does whatever she can to help them out.

She has a temper though and she will throw it with little regard to who she’s raging on. She won’t start a fight, but she will end it if in her power to do so. She has never been afraid of getting hit and she’s not squeamish about doing things other girls wouldn’t dare to do. She was practically raised as a boy anyway.

But she is a girl and has a big self-confidence issue when it comes to being girly. She doesn’t know how to dress or make herself up. She can become frustrated easily in that area.
Usually she keeps her cool though and hardly anyone has seen her temper besides her bro. She is caring and sweet to almost everyone and has a pure heart, if not just a hint of a sadistic streak. *grins evilly*

Background/History: She was born in Incheon at the same hospital all of the Bang kids were born at. She was the youngest of three other children, an older sister, Mi Ra, and two older twin brothers, Yong Min and Yong Guk. They moved to Ijak Island when she was still a baby so she doesn’t remember living there at all, then they moved back to Incheon again. Their parents were always working to provide for the family in Seoul, so they hardly ever saw them and they spent a majority of their adolescent days at their grandfather’s home. Once the twins started Middle school, they moved to Seoul to live with their parents. Because of that all the children are rather distant to them and the three youngest stuck together. Yong Min is the one that took care of Min Jung like a parent. Yong Guk was a protective and supportive older brother whom she adores. They still text each other every day and she calls Yong Min nearly twice a day. She was raised in such a boy oriented environment that she naturally calls them both Hyeong, Oppa never having entered her vocabulary since she was able to talk.



Kim So Mi / 52 / Company worker / Mother
Bang Dae Gun / 54 / Company worker / Father
The siblings relationship with their parents is distant.

Bang Mi Ra / 28 / Older sister / Designer
Bang Yong Min / 22 / Older Brother / College Student
Bang Yong Guk / 22 / Older Brother (younger twin to Yong Min) / Rapper/Leader of B.A.P
They all get along really well, but they hardly see each other anymore. They call and text often and get together all the time. She calls them both Hyeong naturally and her sister Nuna.

Best friend: Song Ji Eun-Nuna / 22 / Singer in Secret / good relationship, she’s the only one besides her brothers that know the truth. They met through her brother while he was training.

Other friends:All of Secret and B.A.P we met through Gukkie-Hyeong!
I get along great with everyone. Except that I am a bit uncomfortable around Hyosung-Nuna, she likes to flirt with me. I’m like an un-official member of B.A.P. We hang out, eat pizza and watch movies. Stuff guys do and sometimes I get embarrassed because they will talk about girls.

Love Interest: Kim Him Chan / 22 / B.A.P/ Rapper, singer, dancer / Crush
we are crazy, silly around each other. The other members kind-of bully him by pulling jokes on him all the time and I plan with him to get them back whenever we see each other. We goof off and are like best buds. I’m totally crushing on him, but he thinks I’m a guy.

Enemy:I don’t think she has any.


Name: Jonny B / JB

Persona: The scrapper

Position: Main Rapper / Lead Dancer

Instrument: Drums

TalentsDancing Hip-Hop, B-Boy; Doing Flips, Rapping, Playing Drums, and Beat Boxing; anything with rhythm.

Personal Fan club: Baby B’s

Personal color: Red & Silver


Girl Ulzzang:

1  2  3 

Ulzzang Name: Hua Hua Liu

Boy Ulzzang:

1  2  3

Ulzzang Name: Song Chan Ho


Everyday wear Girl:
1  2  3

Everyday wear Boy:
1  2  3 

Training Girl:
1  2  3

Training Boy:
1  2 

Date Girl:
1  2  3

Date Boy:
1  2  3

Homewear Girl:
1  2  3

Homewear Boy:
1  2  3

Formal Girl:
1  2  3

Formal Boy:
1  2  3

Stage outfit Boy:
 1  2  3


Fighting!! I hope my character is cool enough to join your family, lol. It sounds like a very cool idea for a story. Good luck!!


On a side note: I actually looked up Bang Yong Guk's family and past and incorporated that into her history. So what you’re reading is actual fact (except for the names of the family) that I got from an interview with Bang Yong Guk himself. I just thought any fans of his should know that in case you’re interested. ^-^


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That's so cool ~
she is bangs little sister !!!
I looked him up before I was so shocked to find out he had a twin brother :3
Your character is aweshum !
Congratz on making it ~