Is it wrong if I ..?


Is it wrong to be worried about something? To care about someone you never met?

Is it wrong that I feel hurt over someone over the internet? That someone that I consider friend?

Is it wrong if I really really like him? Someone that I know over this site?

Is it wrong if I really like that person whether that person is a she or a he?

Is it wrong if I do take things seriously over internet?


I have mixed feelings right now, I don't even know how I should behave and feel...


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WHo is it, unnie?

It's not really wrong since we have feelings and that's normal. But since it is just over the net, i guess we should try to limit ourselves and control. :( I sometimes feel the same way but i think it should be more safe and better if you give your feelings on someone you truly knew. :)
:O Lefaa~ Follow your heart, whatever is right for you.
#3 your feelings I suppose, as much as it might be a blind path through this whole thing...I'm no help though, sorry~
Iefa... Are you still thinking about the same person that we've talk about before? o_0
Who unnie? Is it....?
You're only human.