▶ e d e n ;; application


Eden Academy Application 

Kim JeeIn



▬ Contact Info
AFF Username: ChOrCeE
AFF profile link: My profile~!
Activeness: 7
Nickname: Acxie
▬ Basic Profile
Name: Jang "Stazy" ShiAe
Birthdate: December | 17 | 51
Ethnicity: Korean-Irish
Languages: Fluent in Korean , English , Japanese | Moderate in Mandarin and Thai
Bloodtype: A+
▬ Character in Depth
    ShiAe is a quiet girl .. Very much of an observer.. Can be seen as arrogant and blunt sometimes due to her tough nature.. A natural leader with the confidence and strength that inspires others.. To suceed  from something, she's always looking for the bestest ways to gain, power, knowledge, and expertise.. Sometimes she's not one the most considerate person, especially to those who are a bit slow.. She is the type of girl who's not easily intimidated, and have this commanding, awe-inspiring presence. In love, she holds high standards... for herself, for her relationship, and for her significant to others.. While it's easy for her to impress others, she finds it hard to find someone who can impress her back.. At work or school, she's very well organized and good at delegating.. She understands how to achieve goals easily.. Rational, calm, and objective is her perfect qualities.. But sometimes can be inflexible, controlling, and overbearing when she's depressed and sad..
     Being born with powers she grew up untisocialized with her grandma who tried her best to raise her alone.. Her parents died when she was still an infant,they were murdered and no one knows who did it to them.. She can have anything she wishes with her riches.. Due to her intmiditang aura and nature she has a few and real friends..Including DaeHyun and Ren who grew up with her and stayed with her up until now.. They're like her own brothers.. These three loved each other more than anyone else and no one can break their bond.. They were informed about their powers since the day they were born,but they're not boasting and harming others..Until one day when this three were walking towards the playground some adults and childrens of their age started to throw stones and pebbles unto them.. DaeHyun being the eldest tried to protect his younger friends and hid them behind him.. Actually HaeSeok(ShiAe's grandma) was not around that time she have flew to Dublin that time to meet up with DaeHyun's parents.. As he tried to ask why the people said that they're monsters and other words that hurted their feelings.. ShiAe clenched her fist and came forward,DaeHyun pulled her hands but she struggle and started saying hurtful words towards the people.. Ren also tried to stop her but they were shocked when one of the adults laid his hands on ShiAe..
     This is when DaeHyun and Ren began to got angry.. And accidentally used their powers which caused the people around them to whimpered in pain.. As ShiAe tried to stop them using her own powers,cause at that time they're still young and doesn't know how to handle their powers excluding DaeHyun who can wisely use his.. DaeHyun stopped and looked at Ren who can't control himself.. The people looked at them for the last time before leaving the three alone at the playground.. Ren was crying doesn't know what to do.. ShiAe locked her gazed on him as she tries to connect on his mind to calmed him down and sucessfully made it.. After that ShiAe and Ren fell unto a deep slumber.. Tomorrow morning she woked up on her own room and saw Ren sleeping besides her.. She smiled as she stood up but lose her balance.. DaeHyun entered the room and saw what happened.. He chuckled as HaeSeok popped out behind him and they approached the two.. She tapped the sleeping Ren as he open his eyes and satted up while yawning which earn laughs from the three.. HaeSeok told them about "Eden" the school, and said that DaeHyun's,Ren's parents and she have finnally decided to send them there to control their powers wisely and learn new things.. They looked at each other then nodded.. Since elementary they attend Eden up until now ..But this year their first step in Highschool everything seemed to be different as they meet new challenges and friends on the way..
Likes: Stars | Peace | Music | Fashion | Pastries | Nature | Vegetables
Dislikes:  Discrimination | erts| Noisy People | Messy places| Stinky odors| Bitter foods |Alcoholic drinks Hobbies: Listening to music | Stargazing | Fashion designing | Reading | Horseback riding
Habits: Scratching her head when embarassed | Furrowing her brows when thinking | Sends flying kisses when she likes to challenging someone
Trivia: Her Ideal types are guys who are understanding and romantic | Fails at winking | She's a girl who cleans everycorner she sees untidy. | Always seen carrying a book and her Ipod whenever she goes.. | She has a special feelings on one of her bestfriend (I'll let you choose who~^^) who also likes her too. 
▬ Its your Time
~ Telepathy - the ability to read and control one's mind 
~ Telekinesis - the ability to move things using her mind
~ Superhuman - accelerated reflexes and senses 
That sign was carved on her left wrist..
The downside of her power is when she uses it ,she loses her abilities for a short amount of time and will return after 15 minutes.. And if she over uses it she has the capacity to die or lose it forever..
           ~ She's good at delegating
           ~ She's good at making strategies and solving problems..
           ~ Her senses and reflexes are better than others..
~ Due to her flaws she can't use her powers oftenly..
Accessories :
            ~ She has this bracelet that she always wears on her left wrist (which was also paired with her Bestfriends) ,where her symbol is carved .. This sharpens her power progress .. 
▬ Love in the Air
Your Partner:
~ JongUp [B.A.P]
~ UKwon [Block B]
~ MinHyun [NU'EST]
His/Her Personality:
He's the a shy but a caring person.. Very loving and protective over his loved ones.. Feminine and affectionate towards other people..
How did you meet:
They have bumped into each other at the first day on the hallways he hurriedly apologized to her as she ignores him..The bell rang and she enters her classroom she have bumped unto him again.. She was quite pissed off ,so she just ignored him again..And when she was about to sit on one of the chairs ,coincidentally he was also about to sit on it too.. And in time _____(A chosen one) came in.. The teacher saw ShiAe and JongUp exchanging stares at each other and signed for _____ to sat on the chair where the two's at.. The teacher called the two infront and commanded them to get two more chair from the faculty since there are no seats available.. With a heavy heart ShiAe got out with him and headed to the faculty.. When they got their chairs he intorduced himself but she didn't care.. They carried their chair,he saw her having a hard time at it so he offered his help..She sighed and let him.. After that they arrived at the classroom and unexpectedly they're seatmates.. ShiAe just sighed and the bell braked DaeHyun and Ren came in and fetched her,she tooked a last look a
Your relationship:
Actually she tries to ignore his presence everytime but fails to do so that the reason why she gets more attached to him..
His/Her Powers:  
        Extra Sensory Perception (E.S.P): Any perception beyond our regular senses.           
His/Her Symbol: Symbol
▬ Relationship Status
Jang HaeSeok | 74 | Grandmaother | Psychometry | He's a strict lady but warm,loving and protective over ShiAe..
~ Chosen One~!
~ JiYoon | 22 | Close friend | Shaleshifting | She's cheerful and crazy.. 
Best Friends:
~ Jung DaeHyun | 19 | Childhood and Best friend | Mind Control | Quiet and reserved but funny and cute when he's with his bestfriends.. He's a romantic type of persson who does everything to please his loved ones..
~ Ren | 17 | Childhood and Bestfriend | Psychic Navigation | Cool,yet reliable and cheerful.. He's a sweet and a loving guy when it comes to any relationship and when it comes to his appearance no one can resist his cuteness..
 Ren | 17 | Friendly competition | Psychic Navigation | He's a cool type of guy who's very much reliable & cheerful | They were rival since childhood,yes she's one of her childhood friend [as I've writen above].. They were rivals because since young they've competed in academic and including their abilities but they're not personaly mad or angry at each other,they just loved to challenge each other..
▬ Goodbye Baby
~ An accidental confession from one of her bestfriends who likes her and because of that she doesn't know what to do..
~ A cute bonding with her best of friends..^^
~ Thank you for taking your time on reading my app.. Goodluck~! ^^


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