Review for lovejeremie


Yoseob the Spy by lovejeremie

Reviewed by Nicole

Title (2/5)
The title it’s quite normal… It’s not attractive enough

Poster/Trailer (4/5)
Your poster’s graphic is nice

Foreword & Descriptions (6/10)
For description, you only wrote “Yoseob creeps on his friends” I can’t understand a single thing about this sentence… What if Yoseob creeps on his friends? Does it really matter? You need to elaborate more… The foreword is surprising… Authors usually won’t use that as a foreword… Well additional marks for that

Originality (8/10)
Since I don’t really read these types, well you kinda impressed me… but I need to reread some of the situations to really get the meaning

Writing Style (7/10)
Your writing style is quite original… Keep it up!

Flow (7/10)
The flow is good but is that the way to become a gay? I’m not sure bout that though…

Plot (15/20)
The plot is interesting as you made me curious of the upcoming events… Good one

Grammar & Spelling (18/20)
You have minor grammar and spelling mistakes… So you scored here!

Ending (-/10)
Since you don’t have an ending, well then let’s just leave this blank…

Total: 67/90 = 74/100

B : 60-74

Nicole's Note: Sorry if I’m too harsh on this review but I hope that it helped!


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