Review for ilamby (2)


Oh! My Sweet Love by ilamby

Reviewed by Junghyo

Title (8 / 10) :

Oh! My Sweet Love!’ is a good title, but I can’t judge the connection of it YET to the story, since the couple are still hating each other, and it’s not yet on the . Just a tip, you can do it well-connected by making it sweeter in the next few chapter :) I gave a reasonable 8 because the title is a little bit common. But it won’t hurt the whole story tho. Nice job with it :)

Description & Foreword (10 / 10)

I think you’ve fixed it the last time I saw it? Yes I think you did :) Maybe just add ‘The Characters’ title in the foreword to officially introduce the characters :D

Plot (8 / 15)

- I don’t see a plot, but let’s consider the Description as is, so I gave it an 8. It should be an overview of your story, so it should have been a bit more longer. You can add more tho.

Grammar & Spelling (10 /20)

- I would like to give the huge correction on using the single quotation vs the double quotation. You can go see it here:

-Another thing, you have few problems with using the past tense so make a quick fix with it :) But all in all, there are very minimal spelling corrections and it’s fine :)

Writing Style (12 / 15)

- I like the way you write, only just be a lot more specific with little information. There are only few corrections. Use alternative words than the common ones and it’ll be perfect. Good job! Just another note, with your chapter titles, use much more funny and catchy titles for the readers to anticipate :D

Story Flow (12 /15) 

- It’s good, I can’t correct much about this part. Maybe try doing more cliff-hangers at every end of chapter for your readers to look forward to. :) 

Originality (8 /15)

- It’s a very common concept, the arranged marriage, the one hates the other, etc. Only on your story, two guys were asked to marry each other, as in GUYS. So anyway it’s still this overused concept. Maybe do twists at the so it won’t be the same as others.

Reader’s Feedbacks (7 /10)

- I see all positive comments from your readers and they anticipate a lot from it (and I would like to know what will happen next as well!). Keep the good work!


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