Review for ilamby


A Crazy Little Thing Called LOVE by kloyola

Reviewed by Minzy



Title: 3/5
It's not that catchy,cause I have read some story with the same tittle.
Appearance: 2/5
Did you do it yourself? And the crown and specs at GD and Dara was weird, the words are confusing since I didn't know to read the bottom or sides first. The background are just loves so it's simply simple.

Description/Forward: 8/10
It's not something that drives me wanting to read,but some I do want to know what happens next cause of it's cliffhanger.

Characterization: 5/10
You don't describe all of them,so I had to follow the flow and had to sum it all up for their characters personalities.

Plot: 9/15
Since it's based on a movie,it's slightly does not amazed me to much.

Flow: 10/15
You're not rushing or a little to fast,it's just nice. 

Grammar & Spelling: 21/25
At the very beginning of the 1st chapter you have some mistakes in grammars
1st Chapter : talking about there ideal type of guys talking about their ideal guys 
      Bom: I'd like someone who can only loves me. 
   Bom: I like someone who will only loves me. 
   Daesung: I like woman who likes me and is understanding of my career
   Daesung: I like woman who likes me and understand my career
Well other than chapter one you only have some mistakes in the last 3 chapters. Spelling is great,no mistakes ^_^
Writing: 4/5
I understand what your writing.

Enjoyment: 4/5
I enjoyed it,but since there's some grammars mistakes,my brain to work while reading it,meaning have to correct it.

Bonus: 4/5
I ship DARAGON so much so Bonus Marks for you ^_^
Overall: 70/100
The reds one is mistakes and under them are corrections.So you got 70% and I even subscribed :) Tell me when you had done Crazy Little Thing Called Love 2 
Minzy's Note: Sorry if I'm to harsh -bows-. Since it's my first request I try to be as kind as possible but the results are still ...... Anyways tell me when there's a sequel :D


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