Review for Forevertogether



dOes hE nOT lOvE mE?! by Forevertogether

Reviewed by Imz

Title: (9/10)

- its better if the first letters of the words are the ones capitalized

Appearance: (4/10)

- no background i mean, there is a background but yknow its better if its really related to the story and the poster, i guess it was fine

Description and Foreword: (14/15)

Originality: (9/10)

- i think its pretty unique

Flow: (6/10)

- at first it was pretty slow then it got fast then slow again, well for me that is it hink it was in chp where it got a bit smooth

Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation: (17/20) 

- some wrong grammars, and your 'ofcourse' it has space its  'of course'

Characterization: (9/10)

- well introduced

Writing: (9/10)

- its neat

Bonus: (3/5)

- i didnt enjoy it that much

Total: 80/100

Imz' note: Keep it up XD I'm sure this review isn't that harsh :)


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