Wow, it's my 2nd anniversary!


Gender: Female
Birthdate: 08-18-1989  
Age: 22
Where: Malaysia

Member Since: 5-13-2010

Total Unique Subscribers: 57
Friends: 160



Wow.. I still can't believe it's already 2 years I'm lingering here in AFF! Time is really seems go by so fast... I really have a lot to say but it seems the laziness strikes me again today...


To 57 amazing subscribers, I really want to thank to each one of you for being supportive no matter when I update.. LOL...


To my 160 friends in AFF, you know who you are.. Thanks very much for still sticking up with me and still wants to be my friend. And also thanks for being so nice, supportive, comfortable and kind thus making me want to come back to AFF though I face several difficulties in here...


To those friends that I might unconsciously hurt you in any way, I solemnly apologizes for making you feel that way... I've been immature to handle some things and I think I will continue to be like that cause it's not easy to change. So, do say something if I act like that...

Thanks.. Thanks.. Thanks for these wonderful 2 years...


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Happy Anniversary Umma~
I'm glad you're still able to make it online even thought it's not as often as you'd like.
Love you~ <3
Hello fren! 8tight huggles*


I miss chatting with you!!
Iefaa unniee :* I've been miss you ><