My Application for Cupids





Username: cantresistTAEMtation 


My Character:

Name: Kim Jihae

Age: 17

Birthday: December 18,1993


  • Food
  • Shopping
  • cute boys
  • Makeovers
  • Cows


  • Cigarettes
  • Nail biters (no offence but eww)
  • Korean wannabes
  • fakes
  • Clubbing


  • Tugging on her clothes when it's awkward
  • Blanking out when eating
  • Getting lost in her thoughts
  • Nibbling on her lip when nervous.


  • Putting on makeup
  • Making peope smile and laugh
  • Baking
  • Reading

Trivia: She'll always carry a pair of chopsticks with her. Her ideal type is a tall gentleman that is cute and cool at the same time. She doesn't snore in her sleep but she does hug the person next to her in her sleep. her blood type is AB. 

Personality: She's bubbly and funny. She's really stubborn and likes to do things her way. She loves to eat and gets hungry easily but doesn't gain a pound. She does aegyo to get things that she wants and her puppy eyes are dangerous. She doesn't like to do risky things that will get her in trouble. She doesn't care if she's called a wimp or not, she'll never do it. She's really dependent and doesn't like to do things alone. When she's in a good mood, she'll dress nicely and act really nice to people. But if she's in a mad mood, she can get real dirty. (watch out)

Background: her life was normal and too boring. her parents were always not home and she went to school everyday. She was a really good girl and never tried to anything new. She never ditched school, she never snuck out before, she never went on a date before, etc.. Until he came into her life and switched it all around. 

Ulzzang: Jung Sung Ah

Backup Ulzzang: Hanuel 


Family: Kim Myun Hi/ 43/ Famous fashion designer/ isn't really close to Jihae because she's always somewhere else

Best Friend (s):



My Cupid

Love interest: Chanyeol

His rival: JInyoung from B1A4, He's really sweet and is a gentleman towards JIhae. Classmates with her and sits next to her in class.

His personality: He's really daring and likes to push Jihae's buttons. He is really romantic though, he'll act like he's not. He's playful and likes to annoy Jihae at all times. He is always up to something, like a daredevil. He'll make JIhae do everything with him even if she refuses to.

How you guys interact?:tease each other a lot and always bickering at each other. Doing aegyo to each other and so on..

How you meet: He was just asleep on her bed when she first found him. He was sleeping right next to Jihae.

Love Story: Jihae and Chanyeol are like the cutest couple to be. Chanyeol always teases Jihae and follows her everywhere, trying to annoy her. While Jihae just teases back and tries not to be in the crazy things that Chanyeol does. Everybody adore them because they look too cute together.


Comments? Suggestions? Anything else?: Good luck reading all the Applications and HOPE YOU PICK ME :D


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