Relieving Stress

I was at the point of throwing everything out earlier becuase I was left with my two nieces since afternoon and my sister (their mom) for some reason, came home late.

As for those who don't know, I am not good with kids. I'm often worried if I'm doing the right thing with them. To top it off, my 6month old niece decided to take my full attention the whole afternoon and wouldn't let me leave her side even to prepare her milk. She would wail really loud making me nervous 'coz I thought she was hurting somewhere. T_T 

Anyways, the only break I had was when she takes intermittent naps for like thirty minutes or so. By then I'd sit in front of the pc and stare at the screen thinking of what to write for SOJ.

Thirty minutes or so later, baby wailed again. I run and carry her then she slept again. Back to pc...stare, stare, stare. I get to type a few words, backspace, write again...repeat process. Finally I decided to open PS and jumpstart my creative juices.

Here's the product:



Yesterday, I wasn't so busy but I wasn't feeling creative either so I just did this: 

The mermaid is a handmade drawing I did a loooooooooooooooong time ago and then I made it look a bit more snazzy through Ps. 


I think I'm getting the hang of this Ps thing...


As for the babies, they slept early so I didn't have to worry too much until their mom came home. I had to eat late dinner though. I'm still acting pissed with my mom and my sis for now. Shhhh...


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Nice, nice ^0^v
I like the mermaid. Weee.
the top poster had so much going on I think but top is looking handsome and manly as always

Kids play with me. Lol. I'm their mom's distraction when they need to do something and leave the kids. Oh the days. Studying while carrying my nephew. Lolololol. My sis and I took turns that summer while mom made us dinner.
What PS do you use?