I'm really bored so don't judge me!>.


Are you single? Yesh

► Are you happy? Currently yes.

► Are you bored? Yes, I'm doing this aren't I?

► Are you sad? Nope.

► Are you Italian? Ciao~ but no

► Are you German? Guten Tag~ but no

► Are you Asian? Of course I am, FILO ALL THE WAY

► Are you angry? ARGG, no.

► Are you Irish? I consider myself to be sometimes, since I am in Ireland. Dia Duit, Dhee is ainm duit. Ta mé tri bliana deag d'aois. :D


► Are your parents still married? Yes. :D


► Birth place? Philippines. 100% Pinay here.

► Hair color? Naturally Black but it's brown in the light, oddly enough.

► Hair style? It's up in a bun right now but it's just above my waist, side fringe to the right and naturally straight.

► Eye color? Dark Brown in the light. Looks black though.

► Birthday? July 11

► Mood? Hungry :<

► Gender? Female


► Summer or winter? Summer for the warmth. It's always cold here in Ireland. But Winter as well cause sometimes it snows ^^

► Morning or afternoon? Afternoon, who the hell likes mornings?


► Are you in love? Yes with Yoseob, but no in rl.

► Do you believe in love at first sight? Uhm, not really. It's not love, it's just liking.


► Who ended your last relationship? Me? xD

► Have you ever been hurt? Who hasn't?

► Have you ever broken someone’s heart? I doubt it.


► Are you friends with your ex? Yep.

► Are you afraid of commitment? Not at all. Just afraid of rejection I suppose. But who am I to say, I'm only 13.

► Have you hugged someone within the last week? Yep, all my friends since school's over til September.

► Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yeah, wasn't so secret though xD

► Have you ever broken your own heart? I guess? Maybe not *shrugs*



► Been caught sneaking out? Nope.

► Fallen off the stairs? Yes. ==''

► White-water rafted? No.

► Finished an entire jawbreaker? Yes.

► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? Uh no. Unless it was concert tickets or something. xD

► Prank called a store? No xD

► Skipped school? I wouldn't be able to, my parents are strict and the school calls our parents if we're not in school. One of the teachers even goes around driving to see anybody in our uniforms xD

► Wanted to disappear? All the time.


► Smile or eyes? Both :D

► Light or dark hair? I don't really mind, unless it was like neon.

► Fat or skinny? In between

► Shorter or taller? Taller please~

► Intelligence or attraction? Uh both. :D (I'm greedy I know)

► Jock or nerd? Neither/either, someone who can be himself.

► Hook-up or relationship? Defo Relationship

► Funny and poor OR rich and serious? Eh?

► Play the guitar or into sports? Both :D



► Last phone call/text? I don't have a phone

► Last phone call you received? I just said I don't have a phone ==''

► Last person you hung out with? My sister? xD

► Last person you hugged? My friends ^^

► Last person you IM'ed? No one.

► Last thing you ate? Rice, sausages and lumpiang shanghai.


► Last thing you drank? Water.

► Last site you went to? This? xD or Tumblr.

► Last place you were? My room, I'm in my parent's room now xD



► Are you in a committed relationship? Nope. I'm not even in a relationship.

► Do you want to be? Not right now no.

► When was your last relationship? A few years ago.

► Have you ever loved a guy/girl more than anything else in the world? I can say confidently no.

► Do you like someone right now? Yes, but I know he sees me as a friend.



► Do you and your family get along? Most of the time

► Have you ever run away from home? No

► Have you ever gotten kicked out? Once. It wasn't a good experience. I was 7 or 8.


► Do you secretly hate one of your friends? Eh no. Sometimes she gets on my nerves but other than that no.

► Do you consider all of your friends good friends? Mostly.

► Do you trust all your friends? 50% of them.

► Who are/is your best friend(s)? Lauren, Lauren, Deirdre, Aisling, Nadine, Sarah, Sarah, Sophie & Kelly

► Would you die for them? Some of them.

► Who knows everything about you? My sister just really.


credited to kitten83


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