
Why is there just nothing I can do well in? I cant sing I cant dance I cant play the piano I cant play the guitar I dont even ing look nice I cant talk well Im not sociable I dont make friends easily Im not good in my studies I cant tell my parents that I love them I cant write nice stories I cant make nice posters I cant be as important to anyone as anyone else I can do all of the above Its just that I'm forever average Why? Why is there NOTHING that I can do and do it good? Everyone keeps telling me i have potential. potential. Whats the use when I can't even do anything. Haha. I'm just plain useless to everyone. /endrant


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Everyone has talent! you'll find out soon what's yours. I don't really have anything too but, I'm trying to. At least right? Hope you find you talent SOON!^_^
trinity- #2
i care.
there's always someone who cares.
trinity- #3
1. you can't sing?
i've never heard you sing before - i can't be one to judge. i don't believe you can't. and even so, not everyone can sing. i can't. i showed you my cover and i sang like .

2. you can't dance?
guess what? i went for a dance audition with my friend and in the end, she got in - i didn't. how about that? not everyone is blessed in the arts section.

3. you can't play the guitar?
you can. you damn freaking can because you tweet about it and you do well in it. i can't. give me a guitar? i won't know how to do with it.

4. you don't ing look nice?
you are way prettier than most people, okay.

5. you can't talk well and you can't make friends easily?
you think i can? i know i talk to people on this site but i'm terribly quiet in real life and i wait for people to make the first move before i reply.

6. you don't make friends easily?
go around class. say hi to people. smile at them - you'd be amazed at how much things change.

7. you can't write nice stories?
girl. please stop it i'm like 'dafuq are you insulting me' because you write better than all of us combined. you and stephanie.

8. you can't make nice posters?
you're much better than most people on this site and all you need to do is practice - practice makes perfect okay?

9. you have potential?
yes you do. and don't you dare '' it because unlike you, i don't have potential to be anything. you're forever average? i'm below average. i'm probably one of the worst scorers in my class and i can't sing as well as any of my friends.

10. you're useless?
not me.