[REVIEW] I Love You, Mr. Stranger by zeyniiDara

I just finished the fic "I Love You, Mr. Stranger" a few minutes ago, and as requested by zeyniiDara, I made review about it.

1. Grammar, typo, punctuations, and the like: 8/10

The grammar is fine, there are a few errors (I don't know if those are just typographical errors). Still the thought can be grasp and understood even with the errors. Just a suggestion about the punctuation marks (you can ignore if it's really not your style), you can use more punctuation marks, exclamation point for instance, to express the characters' feelings more.

2. Description and Foreword, plus Chapter Titles: 9/10

The foreword gives you the thought of the whole story, how the story would go. But not too revealing that still leaves some question to the readers' mind. You can put more cliffhangers on the foreword for it to be more interesting.

I like the one-word chapter titles. Also, it's good that the chapter itself revolves mainly about the title of the story.

3. Characters: 13/15

There are only few characters but it still made the story flow smoothly. The characteristics of the characters are consistent throughout the whole story. The POVs are shifted smoothly. But there are some parts were the two perspective almost contain the same thought. You can use a narration so that the reader wouldn't need to read the same thing twice. 

4. Dialogues: 9/10

Dialogues are separated accordingly. There would not be a confussion on who said what. Like what I said earlier, use the punctuation to express more, with that, the readers can picture the scenes more, it will be clear how the characters interacted.


5. Cliffhanger/Suspense: 7/10

I'm a person who likes suspense and cliffhangers. Because with that, I sustain my interest for the story. I didn't see much cliffhangers here, and some are just simple cliffhangers. The end of each chapters didn't give me much interest to read the next chapter immediately [sorry~ :( ] But I like the part where She wants to find out who 'Daddy-Long-Legs' is.

6. Storyline/Timeline: 14/15

There's consistency throughout the story. There's no confussion on the time frame (how long have they been friends, or how long they've been like that and all). Each chapter is also like one story each, but still connects to the other chapter. There are also some parts that seem not really needed, but became quite important for the story to flow. The ending is not that big and can be improved more, but it's sweet. :)

7. Writing Style: 9/10

I think your style is the one that describes as much as she can, and that's good. But at some point, the description becomes long and it creates a big chunk of paragraph. For that, you can try indenting or cutting the paragraphs into short lines so that it won't hurt the eye. I like descriptive sentences, it made me picture the scene better and grasp the story more. Also, you write the sentences clearly and direct to the point. That's also a good one, so that it's easier to understand the story.

8. Originality: 8/10

It's quite common and I've read some stories like this before. But nonetheless, this story have its one flavor and style. 

9. Reading experience: 9/10

I enjoyed reading the story. I was quite left waiting for more at the end of the story. The story is short, but good :)


 That's it :) a total of: 86/100

Though it didn't reach 90, it is still a good read! :)


[Note to the Author] The suggestions I said can be ignored :) and please don't take the comments badly...


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annyeong, thanks for this review. i'm going to credit you, don't worry^^