Caught in your crossfire

ok first off my best friend and i have work really hard on this...I was think of sending it off  TS or SM entertainment....


In the end off the song please give me some feedback on what your thoughts are about on this... thank you very much.....




Intro: You Know?

I always thought you loved me.

but in the end,

I was just you puppet,

Until I cut the strings

then i knew i was free....


Verse 1: Days,weeks,months have gone by

I can still see you just not eye to eye

there is nothing that I could have done

Now all i can do is run

I know your smile like the back of my hand

but my thoughts are dark

and i can't see you now

you and I are not allowed


Chorus 1: there is nothing left to be said

now that we hit the end

we had are good times and our bad

but it's all driven me mad


Verse 2: I cant breathe happily now that you gone

So all i have to say is so long

you tore me up inside

you made me run and hide

now, i'm torn and i'm broken

and the words remain unspoken

So now here i stand~~



Rap: Run and hide or stand and fight

I can't decide you were supposed to be down for the ride

Now, looking back in my mind, i see a dead end sign

you left my mind like broken design

our love has a broken life line


Chorus 2: There's nothing left to be said

now that we hit the end

we had out good times and bad

but it's all driven me mad



outro:They say love spelt backwards is evil

But they also say it backfires

I never thought in a million years...


That i would get caught in your crossfire....


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Intro: I think there's a typo? You typed in 'I'm just you puppet' but is it suppose to be 'your puppet'?

Anyhow, this is really deep. I wish you could've sung it too... I feel like I sing with this. :O
OMG I love it :3 it's really nice and it's really deep, Unnie (: Good job!
That's really good! It has a nice tempo!