Love Without Boundaries | Shinhwa | Appication

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about you;

Username: Kimjade

Link to your profile: Link

Name/Nickname: Jade Kim

basic information;

Character name: Kim, Jade

Nickname(s): Jade, Kuma (bear in Japanese)

Date of Birth: April 21, 1985

International Age: 27

Nationality: Half Korean Half American

Birthplace: Nashville, Tenessee USA

i wanna know more about your character


Passionate, quick tempered, indifferent to troubles, helpful, loyal, and moody, sometimes shy sometimes bold, sometimes spaces out but is very intelligent.

 She is a bit of a conundrum.

 She got the nickname Kuma because of how she goes at life, whether it's work or play she rushes in and sometimes acts before thinking. She's strong too, like a bear and she loves teddies so the name stuck after Eric caught her snuggling a teddy bear one time.

Love Interest:  Eric Mun

 (They sometimes don't get along too well and he teases her but she would do anything for her friends and he likes that about her)



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