Typos =__=

Oh whats this? 2 blogs in 2 days :o Yeah...


There's something I'm kind of prone to... which is typos. And it gets really embarrassing sometimes. Also causes me to get a low mark in some assignments >__>

Because frankly, I do not like reading over my stuff and editing. Cuz I feel it to be kind of embarrassing. Cuz I usually write stupid things so I dont like to read over my weird stupid work so then you get all these typos in it. Like in my last blog, holy crackers. There were so many embarrassing typos I hadnt even seen. And I had edited some already >.< Cuz I just kinda skimmed through it and then I go back and I see MORE reeeaally bad typos and I'm like 'shoot'.


So in advance, I apologize for all my stupid typos in the future XD


Now jumping onto a new topic... I am not in the loop with ANYTHING. Whether that be KPop, North American stuff or things from where I live. I just dont read the newspaper, look on news sites, follow artists pages or anything. Idk I just don't. I dont even use my tumblr very much and dont really know HOW to use it sometimes >.< And I tried personalizing it and everything and... that was a fail.

Then I have 2 twitter accounts. TWO... but dont use either anymore >.< And I have the allkpop app on my ipod but never check it T.T

And I stopped my Korean lessons D: What is wrong with me??

image Oh right... Im a stupid awkward person =___=

I really am too awkward sometimes... Its really embarrassing T.T


Like... I'll try to be friendly to somebody and say 'hi' but then.. I'll just speak too quietly so the person either doesnt hear me or goes like ...



And I just get all fumbly and go 'uh uh... How are you?' *face palm* That response just sounds totally weird to me.

And if something awkward happens I usually try to play it off like...



But then... the thought will slowly eat at my mind so after a couple moments Im like...



*sigh* What is my life?? OTL




And I came across this GIF that I found so cute :3





AND KEY.... OMG ^O^ <3


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Ohh well I do all my blogs straight on here so I get no red line. Or does your computer underline stuff anywhere you write? O.o
Haha I knew you would like that Teukie GIF ^u^
I go through your tumblr everytime you post a link in your blog :P So I have come across your Key posts and YES. I like ;3 .. Although, I like anything Key related XDD
lol typos... aha... i try and do my best to never misspell ... aha ahhg... but, i guess i'm lucky that my computer automatically underlines in 'red' the misspelled word. woot woot.
And yes, Teukie is just cutest. end of story. ahaha
ya know, some of the things Key-related that i blog on my Tumblr, i'm always like 'hmmm~ Lovey would love this' ahahah
Yeah exactly thats why I didnt put it in XDD
You should have put it up!! >.< that would have been epic~! ...but also weird for you due to what it was actually about... :3
Yes~! Next time on webcam :D
XDD Oh god... I was tempted to put that one in this blog as an example LOL. That one was hoooorrible. It could totally be used as one of those fail screenshots XDD
*Sigh* Alright next time when we webcam :P
Your typos are worrying sometimes... You know which one I'm thinking of, right?! ...the mom one... >.<
And I keep telling you... Let me teach you how to use tumblr! >.<