Only One Application


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Username: LCBLuvsKpop

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Basic Character Info

Character Name: Jung Younghun

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 20(International)/21(Korean) 

Birthday: January 8, 1992 (You can change the year if you need him to be younger)

Ethnicity: Korean

Known Languages: Fluent in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese; Nearly Fluent in English

ual Orientation: Gay




Name of Ulzzang: Lee Han Gook

Height: 192cm

Weight: 59kg



Birthplace: Beijing, China

Hometown: Shanghai, China

Background: He came from a family who are world renowned acrobats, so they were on the poorer side, wealth wise. For generations his family has been acrobats.

When his mother and father decided that he and his siblings were old enough (he was five), they began teaching them acrobatics and they became traveling acrobatic performers, who’ve traveled all across Asia to perform, and they’ve been to European and American countries as well. In other words, they’ve traveled to over 30 different countries to perform. However, after an accident in one of the performances, he was unable to do acrobatics as well as he used to. He had to drop out of the family business and had to move to Seoul to live with his grandparents, where he worked on his acrobatics secretly, knowing he’d get in trouble if any of his family members found out about it because his injury was really serious and he could’ve easily gotten paralyzed from how bad he had hurt his neck and broke his back. When he was 15 his grandparents passed away and his aunt and uncle inherited the house, so, no he lives with them and their two daughters, still secretly doing acrobatics, however he still suffers minor back aches and some times serious pain (aches are from practices, serious pain is from if he falls and lands on his back wrong) from the accident.

How they were discovered: He was discovered by an agent at his school talent show when he was 14 and was asked to audition, which he did when he was 15 with the permission of his parents, who didn’t want him to do anymore acrobatics after his injury, which he still suffers from.

Years as a trainee: 6 years

Trainee history: He was bullied the first few years he was in the company, because he had been so skinny from his fast metabolism and because he came from China. However, in recent years he’s gotten more muscular, despite still being on the skinnier side, and has a more intimidating appearance, so the old bullies have begun to fear and avoid him.



Personality: He’s abnormally happy and can usually be seen with a smile on his face. However, he doesn’t usually talk because he doesn’t like hearing his (surprisingly) deep voice, but when he does it usually is about something really random or rather weird because he is 4D and slightly socially awkward. You can ask him the same question twice and get two completely different answers from him, however, don’t think he is dumb because of this, he actually excels in school and his observation skills are phenomenal. His thought process is a hard one to decipher, not even the people who’ve known him his whole life can understand it. He’s a person who likes to stay on neutral grounds and doesn’t like to fight, he’s also a person who likes to sit back and watch how things turn out.

Likes: All types of food (especially sweets), cold weather, rain, exercise, sports, and being clean

Dislikes: Fighting, violence (this came from his previous years as a trainee), getting injured, being dirty, and being wet

Hobbies: Acrobatics, reading, writing, playing the piano, and playing the guitar

Habits: Biting his lip when he’s nervous or angry, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, talking in his sleep, leaving when two people are fighting, and glaring at anything and everything when he’s tired.



Family Members:

Jung Seunghyun – 45- Acrobat – he is a caring man who is always on the move with his family.

Jung Seohyun- 43- Acrobat – She’s a really outgoing person and always goes through the most extreme mood swings anyone has ever seen, however, despite that she loves all her sons equally and cares the most about their wellbeing.

Jung Yunhak- 25- Acrobat – he’s an introvert, but loves acrobatics more than anything else and like Younghun, was trained to do it from a very young age. He’s very pessimistic.

Jung Yunhae – 25- Acrobat- he’s an extrovert, meaning that he is the opposite of his brother and loves to be the center of other’s attention, he is a really good acrobat, probably the best in the family and loves it. He is the most outgoing of the boys; however, he is a little weak on the common sense side.

Jung Yenjin – 17 –Acrobat – The youngest of the Jung boys, he’s the most childish and spoiled because he is adored by everyone in his family and is well protected by his mother, father, and hyungs. He is the most feminine of the Jung boys.

Jung Seungho – 47- Businessman- a caring man who took Younghun in after his grandparents passed away.

Jung Sooyoung- 45- Senior High Teacher- a caring woman who treats Younghun like her actual son.

Jung Seoji& Eunmi – 15- Students – Younghun’s cousins who he takes care of and treats like his actual younger sisters, since he doesn’t actually have any.


Hyunseong  & Jeongmin (Boyfriend)

Bora (Sistar) 


Love Interest: Another member of the group (if I need an artist I can think of some…)

Rival: N/A

Exes: N/A


On the Stage

Stage Name: Jhun

Position: Rapper

Personal Fan Club Name: N/A

Personal Fan Club Colour: N/A


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