XD omg wow

So another story about my little sister ^^ this is the same sister, btw. Okay so a few days ago in her class, their teacher gave them surveys about things they were interested in and they had to fill it out. Y'know things like what they like to do in their free time, what their family consists of, what pets they have, etc. A question on there was what kind of music they like to listen to and the survey gave them choices like rock, country, pop, etc. and one of the choices was kpop! XD (man I wish I had that option in middle school lol) So the day after, her teacher was like "Okay guys I have a question for you about the survey. I dunno if any of you noticed this, but there was kpop as an option on the music question. Do any of you have any clue what exactly kpop is?" *cue awkward silence* lol my sister was the only one to raise her hand! XD they asked her how she knew what it was and she was like "Oh my older sister loves it!" so they asked her to show a video...-_- she showed SNSD's Gee. Wow. Okay we're not totally crazy for watching a bunch of Korean girls act like mannequins and have "creepy" cuteness! *shifty eyes* lol. The bad part is....the kids in her class hated it >_< they said they were sorry that my sister "has to listen to that crap every day"! XP (and you think Abigail couldn't have played a more awesome video?! *COUGH! Like Big Bang...*)


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