Goodbye for now SUJU Buddy..... :(

A friend is like a flower,
A rose to be exact.
Or perhaps you're more of an angel,
maybe a brand new gate that never comes unlatched.
Maybe you're like an owl,
they are both beautiful and wise~
In the future we'll both be ghosts,
whose spirits never die.
No you're a friend that's like a heart,
that goes strong til the end!
Where would I be in this world
if I didn't have you for a friend?
A friend is scincere, a friend is always true, a friend always acts out of love,
and that my friend is you.
I don't want to say goodbye yet nor do I want to say farwell.
So I'll just say see you later and wait for you to call.
I can't wait for that day that we'll see each other again, and that we'll be able to travel together smiling~
I wished you didn't have to go yet but I'm just complaining.
Many say a friendship won't last through college and that the other person will make better friends........
I really hope that's not true, I want this friendship to last more than anything
I will always remember you~ I hope you don't forget me or find someone better and just leave me behind.....
That memory would truly make me cry.... Just thinking of it now my eyes tear up and I can't see~
But I will never forget you and I hope you never forget me!
We made a dream and promised we'd remember it no matter what!
And when we are together again we'll be ready to show the world what we've got!
I promise to never forget or leave. I just hope I'll always remain as a best suju friend to you!

Brie Brie this poem's for ya like I said I made one hahahaha really though I honestly put how I felt in this poem so yeaaaaahhhhh~
I honestly want to prove everyone wrong and show the world what we've got! HWAITING!!!



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KawaiiKPOPxGirls #1
Omo Kara this made me tear up! I love you Suju buddie and don't worry, I'll never forget you or our dream! ^0^