I Make Naruto Plushies! Or Just Pushies! Whatever!

 Ok, so I've Ok, so I am in this buisnessOk, so I'm in this buisness where I crocet homemade dolls of people and animals. My first doll was, of corse, Deidara, but I sold it for $10 to my teacher. Yeah, the doll had no shirt on because I used the image of deidara with his shirt off. Yeah. -_-' Anyway, my friend Yaquelin, for whom I'm making the story "Friend To Enimie: I Can't Turn Away From You", asked me to make a Sasuke plushie. I almost threw up at the thought (not really, but I thought about it) but I decided to make her one for her birthday. Here's the final product:



That's my side and my arm. Yeah... The apartment is photoshoped! jK, It's my friends. :D



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Awww!!! Sasuke is BLEH, but that's totally awesome!!! :DD If you ever make another Deidara one, I'd love to see it!~ ^-^ Nice job! ( b>0<)b