The World Needs More Fluff


So I'm planning on writing a fanfic that will ooze with all the fluff in the world!!! HAHAHAHA...



Browsing through dA earlier I realized, how come it never occured to me to search for Big Bang PNG files? Seriously, how could I not have thought of it before? So now I'm stalking dA again obsessed on saving every single Big Bang png file I could get my hands on. TOP's photo on the poster is one of them.

Oh, and another thing. I have a new Photoshop obsession. PATTERNS!!! Hehehehe...and png packs! ^_^

Back to my ff plan. The story's gonna be really fluffy or at least I'll try my best to make it one...NO just PURE, HONEST TO GOODNESS FLUFF. *eonnie mode* You kids in here read too much . You need to be reminded that cute is quite enjoyable too. 

Also, have you heard? Big Bang's coming to the Philippines for the ALIVE TOUR!!! My's coming true!!! I can't even spazz because all my feels are jammed inside me!!! It's so overwhelming. I think I'm gonna cry now. But before that...before I leave and cry many, many tears of happiness...




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I downloaded actions and gradients
i'll check out kpop pngs ^0^

Exactly. My sentiments. Yes, yes. Fwuff. My ice cream on a rainy day.

Really? oh I want to go! >_<
But I know my parents won't allow me.
Enjoy unnie :)
Make it! I love fluffs!