★ Kiss me, or Kill me ― Jung AhRa {--cottoncandy

Jung AhRa 정아라

“my cuteness is their weakness”

about you.

Username: --cottoncandy

Link to your profile: [ x ]

Name: min

Activeness : 9.8

Contact: AFF


basic information.

Character name: Jung AhRa | 정아라

Nickname(s): Kid AhRa | 자식아라 (Her classmates calls her that)

Birthday: June 6,1995

Age: 17

Nationality: Full Korean

Birthplace: Busan,South Korea

Blood type: A

Languages: Fluent Korean & Conversational Chinese (Mandarin)



Height: 169cm & 5'6"

Weight: 108lbs & 49kg

Appearance: She wears a cute little ribbon earings.

Ulzzang / Model Name: Park Hwanhui also known as Hana of Cherry Koko

Ulzzang / Model Picture : [ one ] [ two ] [ three ] [ four ] [ five ] [ six

Back-up Ulzzang / Model Name: //

Back-up Ulzzang / Model Picture: //

Style: AhRa likes wearing cute clothes. She prefers bright colors than dark colors. She usually wears pastel color clothes.  

 [ one ] [ two ] [ three ] [ four ] [ five ]


character information.


★ miss sunshine —ahra is a cheerful person & acts like a total kid. considered as the school's sunshine. she always smile and attracts people with her famous eyesmile. she likes fooling around and she has an adorable laugh that can make people smile automatically. she's very caring and thoughtful towards her friends. she has this cuteness and likes doing the bbuing bbuing — well,she only does that when she needs something. no one can resist her cuteness,that's why she gets anything she wants when she does aegyo. she's not a fan of aegyo acts though but a lot of people insists her to do it that's why she ended up doing aegyo stuffs. she believed that everytime she does aegyo,people goes awe and gets weak everytime they see it.

★ innocent? i don't think so  yeah she looks cute and INNOCENT but you got it all wrong with the innocent word. she isn't innocent at all. why? she's a byuntae. this kid has a erted mind and she has a cue when will she be a byuntae. she'll smile a pedo smile at a person but more like a creepy smile. then there you go,erted AhRa activated.

★ bye bye miss sunshine  this girl has a short temper. she easily gets angry. so don't make her angry if you don't want miss sunshine to turn into a miss monster. she yells at the person,clenches her fist or in short,she turns into a monster. she'll automatically send you to the principal and regret what you have done. she's no more miss smiley sunshine and etc if she looses her temper.

ahra is tripping stumbling flipping fumbling  ahra is a clumsy person. a very very very clumsy person indeed. she always gets herself in a humiliation but some people never dared to laugh at her because they know ahra will get angry and turn into a monster. but sometimes,when she trips herself or whatsoever,ahra starts to cry. making her a cry baby.


History: Jung Ahra doesn't belong to the poor family and rich family. She belongs to the middle class society. She grew up in Seoul with her parents and an annoying older brother. Ahra's Mother is a pastry chef while her Father is a lawyer. When Ahra was still a kid,around at the age of 7,AhRa experienced how to be bullied by her own father. Everytime his dad goes home,drunk,he will always hit at his wife while Ahra watched her father hit her oh so lovable mother. Ahra cried a lot and it irritated Ahra's Father a lot.  Ahra's father dragged Ahra outside and starts to hit ahra with his belt. Ahra's older brother immediately went down and was surprised on what his father doing to her little sister. He tries to stop his Father and he successfully did. That was an unforgettable moment for Ahra. After that experience,AhRa started to despise her Father,she became cold but ONLY to her Mother.  

Then,as time goes by,Her Father parted away from them. Her Father has another family and Ahra's Mother was really hurt. Good Thing AhRa and her older brother are there for their Mother. AhRa's Mother wants the best for her children that's why she started to enter Ahra and his son in some lessons. Like Ballet Lesson and Piano Lesson for Ahra. During AhRa's elementary days,she was bullied again. Queenkas bullied her because their just insecure of AhRa. Yes,Who wouldn't be insecure with a pretty girl like AhRa?


  • Kids  ahra has a very soft spot for cute little kids. she likes playing with them.
  • Milk Tea/Bubble Tea — she likes milk tea/bubble tea a lot. you'll always see her drinking one.
  • Dogs — who doesn't like dogs? i mean,their adorable. ahra also has a soft spot for dogs.
  • Panda Plushies — ahra can't resist the cuteness of pandas.
  • cupcakes — with a girl who's mother is a pastry chef,ahra definitely likes cupcakes.
  • bacon — greasy and oily but delicious. ahra likes eating bacons.
  • pastel pink — ahra's favorite color.
  • ing on the members of the student council — it's just for fun because sometimes the members of the student council are boring.


  • pranks — she doesn't like pranks at all. that's one of the things that can make her angry.
  • insects — she finds insects disgusting.
  • heights — one of her fears.
  • tomato — she doesn't like the taste at all.
  • scary stuffs — she's too scared. she doesn't even like watching horror movies because when she does,she'll starts to cry and have a nightmare about it.
  • long trips she starts to puke during long trips or road trips.


  • going to amusement parks — she likes going to the amusement park. well,she's really a kid.
  • shopping — shop 'till she drops.
  • dancing (ballet) and playing the piano of course these things are one of her hobbies.
  • going to the daycare center anld visit the kids there — she likes spending her time there every weekends and plays with the kids.
  • sleeping — she's sometimes a sleepy head.


  • her lips — you'll always see her her lips.
  • making her eyes big — she doesn't know why she keeps doing  that.
  • chewing any stuffs that she's holding she does that when she's nervous.
  • doing skinships — she's a clingy kid.
  • when she talks,she uses hand gestures — it became a habit to her that's why some of her friends makes fun of her hand gesture habit.


  • she's a ballet dancer.
  • she knows how to play the piano.
  • she doesn't trust a lot of people (but she trust her co-student council member a lot,obviously)
  • she at singing and when she sings,it's like the end of the world.
  • she has a lot of panda plushies. she always bring her fave panda plushie,the student councill president gave it to her for ahra's birthday.
  • if she's sad,angry or upset she'll always go at the school rooftop and cry it off.
  • she's good at acting and making people believe ahra. she's a good liar. she also uses her innocent looks and aegyo to make people believe that she didn't do anything bad.

Does your character use profanities?: [ ] yes [x] no [ ] sometimes

If so, in which language? //




Name: Jung Donghyun

Age: 49

Birthday: August 9

Personality: He's a workaholic and very serious. He doesn't smile and has this serious face. He's really strict and a playboy for a serious guy like him.

Relation to your character: Father

Dead or alive: Alive


Name: Jung Miyoung

Age: 44

Birthday: July 17

Personality: She's a very lovable and caring person. For AhRa,Her mother is the best mom in the whole world and she also thinks her Mother is like her best friend. She's really thoughtful and likes encouraging her children.

Relation to your character: Mother

Dead or alive: Alive



Name: Jung Jiho

Age: 21

Birthday: December 7

Personality: He's annoying towards AhRa. He likes pulling pranks on Ahra and likes bugging her a lot. But even though he's like that,He's still thoughtful and helpful. He's really cool and calm when you first meet him.

Relation to your character: Older Brother

Dead or alive: Alive


Best Friend

Name: Luhan

Age: 21

Birthday: April 20

Personality: He's a nice and friendly chinese guy. He's helpful and polite to elders. He likes making people smile and laugh like AhRa. He's a very talented guy and doesn't like it when he lose.

How he/she acts around your character: He treats AhRa like his little sister.



Name: Choi Minho

Age: 20

Birthday: December 9

Personality: He's a cool guy. He's pretty laid back and calm in any problems. He's an athletic person and he chooses people that he wants to be with. He's picky when it comes on choosing his friends.

How he/she acts around your character: He acts the same Minho towards AhRa. He trusts AhRa that's why he his friends with AhRa. 


Name: Jung Jessica

Age: 23

Birthday: April 18

Personality: She's an Ice Princess. Cold and People call her rude. but she has this soft spot especially for AhRa. She's a sleep head and a lazy girl indeed.

How he/she acts around your character: Jessica is a very good sunbae to AhRa. Actually,Their cousins thats' why they are friends. Jessica is really caring person towards AhRa. A protective one too.



Who is your rival? Sunny

Reason for rivalry: Sunny thinks AhRa is stealing her Aegyo Queen/Miss Smiley title. She also hates AhRa's personality. She thinks it's fake. Sunny is actually insecure and jealous of AhRa,that's why she hates AhRa to the Core. She hated AhRa even more when AhRa sent Sunny to the principal office after Sunny pulled a prank on her. Sunny was really humiliated in front of many students. That's why she'll do anything to ruin AhRa's reputation.


Love Interest

Love interest: Baekhyun

How do you two act around each other?: Baekhyun likes pissing AhRa. He likes it when he sees AhRa angry and for him,it's really funny. Baekhyun made AhRa cried already. They will always argue,actually AhRa is the only one who's shouting at Baekhyun while Baekhyun is smiling and laughing at her. AhRa isn't Miss Sunshine when she's around Baekhyun.

Do you keep in contact?: [ ] yes [ ] no [x] sometimes

If so, how?: Baekhyun likes calling AhRa's number. AhRa tries to end the conversation quickly but Baekhyun 'begs' that they should keep on talking on the phone. AhRa can't anything even though she hates this boy a lot.

Scene requests: you decided oh great AUTHORS~ c:


group information.

Positions: Grade 10 Representative

Public persona: Smiling Sunshine

Specialties: Tricking people easily (like I said,She uses her acting skills,innocent looks & ageyo). She's wise and she's good at planning things. She's sneaky and fast.



Password: nooone :bd

Anything else?: mehehe~ none also ^^


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