Working In An Idol Only Mall | Lee Sungjin Application



AFF Username: xxfruitsbasketxx

AFF Userprofile Link: CLICKU~!

Character Name: Lee Sungjin

Nickname(s): Sung Sung/Jinnie (only used by those closest to her)

Age: 19 years old

Personality: When you meet her, she seems really cold, calm, and extremely quiet, but if you become a really close friend, she's actually hyper and loud. Unfortunately, you have to be an EXTREMELY close friend for her to act this way. When she's by herself in front of strangers or a large crowd (being in a group lessens her nervousness), as if she's lost all train of thought. Basically, she has a huge case of stage fright in front of large crowds of people/strangers. Ask any friend of hers and they'll tell you people always ask why Sungjin is so quiet while the friend just sheepishly smiles knowing it's no use explaining. If she has the choice, she'll usually settle with "behind-the-scenes" work and although she puts a lot of work and thought into something, she's fine with other people taking the majority credit. One of her strongest points is her observing ability of others and of situations. Similarly, no one knows she's hyper or loud at all; though most people usually come to the conclusion that she’s either mysterious or stuck-up. Also, despite her age, and never being in a relationship before, she’s a great old sister type who can give good advice. Sometimes people mistake her for being older because of her “wise” life and relationship advice. Even though she’s great at hiding what she really feels, and though people compliment her on her great ability of acting naturally, Sungjin has a playfully short temper. Also, although she likes to make facial expressions, she’s really good at controlling them. For example, have a “Who-Smiles-First-is-the-Loser-Contest”, and you’ll lose hands down. Although, I must warn: uses sarcasm/witty remarks; extremely stubborn when she wants things to go her way; she can be a rather bitter, negative person in a semi-evil way. Another thing to note, is that she can’t cook even if her life depended on it (not that she's bad in the long as she have very clear instructions and directions she can manage, but she doesn't know any dishes if you ever ask her to cook; not like she's a hazard to the kitchen or anything). Lastly, two points about Sungjin is: [1] she's a very realistic girl...not the type to believe in fairy tales; sure she daydreams and has a very creative mind, but when it comes to viewing the real world and her future, she's not the type think her life is that of a fairytale princess (likewise, she's an observer and learns a lot about life through that...which also explains how she is not only wise with relationships but also life); [2] she's a worrying over-thinker.


  • Reading & visiting bookstores
  • Taking walks ay night on busy city streets
  • Visiting bookstores
  • Origami
  • Studying Asian cultures

Appearance: She’s fairly on the short side, only standing just below the 5’1” mark. She has the “average” Asian girl appearance—round, baby face, one dimple on her right cheek, and long, straight-like, black hair. The length of her hair reaches to the middle of her back, and bangs semi-grown out along with the rest of her hair but they reach down to only her chin. Sungjin generally leaves her hair down, but also styles it every now and then. However, she never puts it in a ponytail because she thinks it makes her look like a boy. Her eyes are a dark brown, almost black and she usually wears glasses unless instructed to wear contacts (or when it's needed & generally glasses in the comfort of her own home and contacts when in the public's eye). She almost never wears makeup, and generally when dressed casually, wears hoodies and jeans combined with either converse or heels, but oddly enough, is not considered a tomboy. Trivia: she's not one for "permanent accessorizing", but does have her ears pierced.

Kim Seukhye/Joo: [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] or Park Hwanhui/Hana: [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5]


  • Languages/multilingual (Cantonese, English, Korean, Japanese, & Mandarin)
  • Plays violin & piano
  • Calligraphy

Job: Bookstore/musics store attendent/helper

Guy: Luhan or Lay

Extra???: I don't know your writing style, but I like the idea :D Looking forward to it!


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