Stupid Cupid: Stop Picking On Me!! | Lee Sungjin Application


Username: xxfruitsbasketxx


My Character:

Name: Lee Sungjin

Age: 19 years old

Birthday: January 04, 1993


  • Mango pudding & melon drinks
  • Peace & quiet
  • Bookstores
  • Organization
  • Anything cute


  • Being tickled or teased about her height
  • Talking on the phone with people (feels like it's a very awkward thing to do even with family)
  • Sports involving running
  • Coffee
  • People who drink, do drugs, and/or cuss


  • Switching languages mid-sentences
  • Bugging people until they go her way
  • Running away/hiding behind someone when she sees a bug
  • Rarely cutting her hair (she cherishes her long hair)


  • Reading
  • Taking walks ay night on busy city streets
  • Visiting bookstores
  • Origami
  • Studying Asian cultures


  • Has 2 older brother, 1 of which is her twin
  • Never had a boyfriend
  • Dimple on her right cheek and has an eye smile
  • Plays piano & violin
  • Blood Type - A

Personality: When you meet her, she seems really cold, calm, and extremely quiet, but if you become a really close friend, she's actually hyper and loud. Unfortunately, you have to be an EXTREMELY close friend for her to act this way. When she's by herself in front of strangers or a large crowd (being in a group lessens her nervousness), as if she's lost all train of thought. Basically, she has a huge case of stage fright in front of large crowds of people/strangers. Ask any friend of hers and they'll tell you people always ask why Sungjin is so quiet while the friend just sheepishly smiles knowing it's no use explaining. If she has the choice, she'll usually settle with "behind-the-scenes" work and although she puts a lot of work and thought into something, she's fine with other people taking the majority credit. One of her strongest points is her observing ability of others and of situations. Similarly, no one knows she's hyper or loud at all; though most people usually come to the conclusion that she’s either mysterious or stuck-up. Also, despite her age, and never being in a relationship before, she’s a great old sister type who can give good advice. Sometimes people mistake her for being older because of her “wise” life and relationship advice. Even though she’s great at hiding what she really feels, and though people compliment her on her great ability of acting naturally, Sungjin has a playfully short temper. Also, although she likes to make facial expressions, she’s really good at controlling them. For example, have a “Who-Smiles-First-is-the-Loser-Contest”, and you’ll lose hands down. Although, I must warn: uses sarcasm/witty remarks; extremely stubborn when she wants things to go her way; she can be a rather bitter, negative person in a semi-evil way. Another thing to note, is that she can’t cook even if her life depended on it (not that she's bad in the long as she have very clear instructions and directions she can manage, but she doesn't know any dishes if you ever ask her to cook; not like she's a hazard to the kitchen or anything). Lastly, two points about Sungjin is: [1] she's a very realistic girl...not the type to believe in fairy tales; sure she daydreams and has a very creative mind, but when it comes to viewing the real world and her future, she's not the type think her life is that of a fairytale princess (likewise, she's an observer and learns a lot about life through that...which also explains how she is not only wise with relationships but also life); [2] she's a worrying over-thinker.

Background: Sungjin was born into a wealthy/affluent family with two older brothers, one of which is her twin. Being from a wealthy family, Sungjin is expected to marry the son of another highly-established company in order to secure business relationships. This is a fact that she knows and accepts; after all, she’s not going to be some wishful girl thinking her prince charming is going to appear one day and her parents are going to accept it. Besides, she’s never fallen in love so she doesn’t think finding her “one true love” is going to happen anyway; maybe there’ll be someone to prove her wrong, but until that time, she’s not going to bother fighting against her parents. However, she’s made an agreement with her parents: she will be allowed to pursue anything she wants until that time comes.

Ulzzang: Bae Hyowon

Backup Ulzzang: Kim Seukhye/Joo




Name - Lee Yoojin / Age - 21 years old (2 years older than Sungjin) / Occupation - College student majoring in International Studies / How they treat you - He's very protective of Sungjin; not in that, don't touch my sister she's too good for you way, but rather a if you ever harm her or are mean to her you better watch out way. Also, similar to his dad, he spoils Sungjin and tries to protect her as much from their mother's expectations and demands.

Name - Lee Yojin / Age - 19 years old (twins) / Occupation - college student (freshman along with Sungjin) / How they treat you - Not so surprising, he's very close with Sungjin. Like what is believed about twins, the two can understand each other without having to share through words. They're fraternal twins up to the point that since they're so close and friendly with each other, you could mistake them for a couple. Also, they have inside jokes that even their older brother doesn't understand. Obvious or not, to each other, the other is the person they can be the most comfortable and silly with. However, unlike his older brother, Satoshi is a little overly protective of Sungjin; he won't automatically whip a guy's hands off her, but carefully observe and when he senses the guy had become too comfortable with Sungjin, he's the silent threatener.

Best Friend (s): N/A

Friend(s): N/A


My Cupid

Love interest: Luhan

His rival: Nam Woohyun (Infinite) - The best way to describe him is a charming smile with a overly friendly and warm attitude. Additionally, he's intelligent and can make sharp, witty remarks. Once you get to know him, he's playfully violent and loves to tease and joke. He tends to give off an older brother caring vibe with a hint of mischievousness and is too-touchy-feely.

His personality: Simply put, he has this aura about him: friendly and open yet shielded, protective and loyal, and wise beyond his years. He’s a tad shy around girls compared to guys, yet he’s always unconsciously being cute. Additionally, he’s really good with little kids and is sometimes mistaken for one, but he actually doesn’t really mind. He’s more of a gentleman than a bad boy, but with the little intelligent head of his, he can make witty remarks and clever jokes. Did I mention he has a beautiful voice?

How you guys interact?: They have a mutual understanding with each other. So much to the point, they don't even have to talk and they will understand how the other feels or is thinking...could he possibly rival the relationship she has with her twin brother? He's usually the one carrying the conversation (and starting it for that matter). He also tends to get her to warm up to him by doing things she dislikes (pokes her side to tickle her or always teasing her about her height; especially when she's about to reach for a book, he'll rush and grab it holding it out of her reach). She on the other hand has somehow already warmed up to him and trusts him a lot; not her absolute complete trust yet, but he's gained a lot of her trust. However, her shy and quiet personality hasn't allowed him to figure that out yet. Still at times, he'll find her staring off, not realizing she's looking at him amazed at how fast she could feel so comfortable around him.

How you meet: One evening after a long while, she found time for herself to just wander the city streets, one of her favorite things to do. After stepping out of a cafe, a warm cup of white hot chocolate in hand, earphones plugged to her ears, Sungjin absentmindedly walked out and down the street heading to a nearby bookstore. However, just as quickly as she had taken 10 steps, she had accidentally bumped into him because she wasn't really paying attention. Her drink slipped out of her hands and she stumbled a bit; when she lifted her head after regaining her balance, she saw him on the ground with her drink caught in his hand. Grateful and apologetic she insisted buying him a drink as an apology & a thank you; little did she know, he was the cause of almost loosing her drink and nearly knocking her down (he was in the process of getting up from his fall from the sky when she bumped into him).

Love Story: Being the first person he sees upon his arrival...or rather a not so pleasant drop from the sky, he decides to follow her around (she was after all buying him a drink and on the way to just wander the night city and checking out the bookstore). Fascinated by his antics, Sungjin doesn't bother to question him until he starts continually appearing everywhere (her college and he managed to snag a job working as her father's assistant she will never figure out). Still she doesn't mind his presence for some reason. On the other hand, her parents have chosen the guy for her arranged marriage (perhaps the guy above under the his rival section?) who happens to go to the same college as her, an upperclassman, and best friends with her oldest brother. Will this stupid cupid make her seemingly accepted arrange marriage fate a lot more complicated to accept? Will he make her question her thinking about a "one true love"? (Refer to her background).



Comments? Suggestions? Anything else?: Looking forward to this cute story!


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