Dangerous Application - Keera Summerson



AFF Username: Table_cookiE

AFF Account: Found Here


Character Name: Keera Summerson

Nickname(s): Keera, Bubbly Encyclopaedia

Age: 19 (International age) or 20 (Korean age)

Birthday: 04/14/1993

Nationality: Korean-Canadian

Ethnicity: Half Korean, Part: Irish, French and Japanese

Languages and Fluency: Fluent in English, French, Korean, Chinese, Japanese and currently learning more

Height: 175cm

Weight: 60kg



She is bubbly, eccentric, childish, open minded, spontaneous, a goes with her own flow kind of girl who is easily amused and blunt to a fault.  But don’t be fooled by her childlike and odd behaviour because in all actuality she is very smart.  She also has a weird tendency to call her older male sunbaenims as ‘hyung’ instead of ‘oppa’ her reason; because she feels more comfortable that way.

She tends to be lost in her own little world but when on stage or in front of a camera she puts her best behaviour or best face on. (Meaning: she is a slightly more serious version of her happy-go-lucky/childlike personality however; she does not lose her bubbly character.)  One can almost say that she is like a comic relief sort of character when things get awkward.  But when required to be serious (i.e. acting or the photo taking portion in photo shoots), she will be, and when she means business no one can phantom her determination and dedication.  On the other hand, when she is angry or she feels like someone close to her is getting hurt, she turns into a feisty fire ball.

She does not like being alone because she grew up with her parents often not around (more on mom than dad) and later on her brothers also start to drift no matter how close of a bond they do have (they do have their own lives to lead).  You could say that Keera likes attention very much and being surrounded by people.  Another thing about her is that when she is sitting quietly, people get the wrong impression that she is quiet and serene, the complete opposite of how she really is.



Born Canada and raised there.  She grew up with the influence of her investigator father, 8 older military brothers (from oldest to youngest: Ace, Devon, Gabe, Jason, Maddox, Paine, Valentine and Xander) and a mother who is often not around because of work. (Note: Her mother works at a travel agency where she scouts hot spots for vacationing and work as a translator.  The initial reason why Keera grew an interest in different languages; to get closer to her mom.)  She grew up as a tomboy so she doesn’t really care or it doesn’t faze her about what peoples’ opinions (the negative escpecially) of her are.  Scouted as a child model at the age of 11 and continued on with this career until she was 17 and never renewed the contract due to her wanting to focus on her studies.

She entered university early at the age of 13 (she was born a child genius).  She graduated at 18 majoring in Kinesiology and Biochemistry with a minor in Translation.  Most likely the reason why she acts so childish, like a rebound reaction, because most of her childhood was spent working really hard in her studies and later on in her career as a model.

She moved to Korea in June 2011 to live with her grandfather due to family reasons.  Family reason: being that all her brothers are married or almost married and have their own homes to go home to, her mother travelling every now and again; and lastly her father involved in an undercover mission therefore never home, leaving Keera by herself.  Her parents not liking the idea of their daughter being home alone, no matter that she is already 18 they shipped her off to live with her grandpa and aunts in Korea.  Although, Keera had no qualms about it because she was thinking of going back (to Korea) anyway for her promised audition with SM Entertainment.


Special Talents: Martial Arts, taught to her by her father and brothers | Being able to perform a dance routine she has only seen once almost perfectly | Making authentic bird calls

Likes:  Food, especially sweets | Thriller/Action movies | Sports/Video games | Being spoiled by other members | Her laptop | Learning new languages

Dislikes: Scremo (shouting) music, she finds it scary | Anything bitter | Driving (she lost her grandparents from her dad’s side due to a crash, leaving only her as the sole survivor) | Hot coffee | People who take advantage of other people

Habits: Leaves drawers/cupboards open | Making random noises when she is bored | Makes weird faces when she is bored | Tends to be excessively more lively than usual when she is nervous | Whenever overly excited she starts speaking very fast in a multitude of languages

[EXTRA] Fun Facts: She has no sense of direction | Beats her brothers in general (sports, video games) | Worked as a translator | First female friend made at the age of 11 | She walked her first runway when she was 12 | She sleeps with a panda stuffed toy she calls Pan-Pan



She was scouted in December 2010, when visiting her aunts, Kang Ah Ran the wardrobe coordinator for EXO and her aunt Park So Hee a team leader who works closely with the president to arrange the trainees' schedules, with her cousin Kang Min Ah.  She did not become a formal trainee of SM Entertainment until June 2011 due to school, however, when she did come back she still had to pass another audition before she could begin her trainee life.  She passed with flying colours wowing them with her clean and sharp execution of her dance routine.  Her vocals were also great, but they really focused their praises on her dance ability.  (Note:  At the time she was scouted she and her family went on a very short Christmas vacation in Korea.  The SME has agreed that when she comes back she would do an audition.)

Her training was short lived (a total of 10 months of training) because she was put in Dangerous, a soon to debut group, and she was the last person to be introduced to the girls.  She had long hours of training which mainly focused on vocal and dance training.  She integrated herself within the group quite quickly and found her sunbaenims and other group members to be quite friendly.  Often enough they would help her whenever she hit a stump, during her vocal lessons, she can imitate various singers’ styles of singing but often enough, she lacked her own feel.  However, it was soon fixed with the help of her sunbaenims and fellow members, now she has one of the best vocals in the company.  Dancing came quite easy for her because she is a very fast learner and with her ability to practically do any dance routine she has seen once perfectly with little to no practice also helps her in this area, but other than that she has hellish practices/training because she is about to debut with a short period in training. 

She has had various types of experiences (in Canada) before her debut in Korea, like being featured in various magazines (i.e. Vogue, ELLE, Fashion, InStyle, and more).  She also featured in various fashion shows, talk shows and was a spokes person for various companies as well as endorsed various products (i.e. Maybelline, Olay, Guess, Gucci, and more).  In addition to this she has filmed commercials for various products, usually the ones she endorsed.



Stage Name: Keera

Persona: The Eccentric or the Happy-Goes-Keera


Inspiration: There was a time when she stood on stage as a child, she never dreamed of becoming a singer until she stood on that stage and sang.  It was for a school play and it was mandatory that the students in her class participate.  Then there it was, the feeling of elation when being cheered on by the audience with their heartfelt feelings, she never knew of and she never wanted to forget it.  She wanted to feel that sense of excitement/elation all throughout her life.

Role model(s):  Most of her company sunbaenims, like DBSK, Super Junior and BoA; as well as Bi Rain from J. Tune Entertainment.


FRIEND 1: Choikang Changmin (Shim Changmin) | Age: 24 | Group: DBSK | Picture

His personality: Bright yet shy.  On the down side it is really hard to hang-out with him outside the company.

Relationship: The sunbaenim that she is closes with; she is also close with Yunho.  One of the few Korean entertainers that she knew of before coming to Korea.  She would ask him for advice like she would with her brothers.  He is close in age with her brothers; therefore they have a sort of brother-sister bond.  He and Yunho help her with her dance/vocal training when they have time; both are also as protective over her like her real brothers.


BEST FRIEND: Reyna Marks | Age: 24 | Group: OC | Picture

Her personality: Very friendly, sweet but can be fierce when she feels like someone she cares about is getting hurt.

Relationship: She met Keera when Keera was 11 and she was 17.  At the time she was the girlfriend of Keera’s brother Valentine, now she is Keera’s soon to be sister-in-law.  She was also the reason Keera was scouted as a model.


BEST FRIEND 2: Name: Kang Min Ah | Age: 21 | Group: OC | Picture

Relationship: They are cousins, the daughter of Kang Ah Ran.  She was basically the reason Keera got scouted.

(Note: please know that Keera is also close or friends with the rest of EXO)



Name: Sunny (Lee Soon-kyu) | Age: 22 | Group: Girls' Generation | Picture

Relationship:  They are friends although Sunny did debut first.  They have a friendly rivalry going on between them because they  are quite similar like how both speak various languages, both are very bright and bubbly and so on and so forth.



Name: Go Hanna | Age: 19 | Group: OC | Picture

Relationship: She had entered the company earlier than Keera, so she is bitter about Keera having to debut before her.  But even before this, she already hated Keera because Keera always took the lime light away from her.  For example, she used to live in Canada as well, working as a child model but was over shadowed when Keera entered the modelling world.  The worst part was that Keera never remembered her.  As revenge she tries to take away those who are close to Keera.  (Note: since Keera is childish she doesn’t really put much emphasis on things she thinks won’t concern her, like people disliking her or negative comments.)  She also hates Keera because Keera got the attention of the guy Hanna has liked since she began her training days in SME.  Hanna has been trying to get his attention for years.


PARTNER: Kris (Wu Fan) | Age: 21 (Turning 22 on November 6) | Group: EXO

You and your partner's story: She met him when she was accompanying her cousin Kang Min Ah to visit her mom in SM Entertainment and after her initial encounter with a scout, the other reason she got lost. 

She had left to go look for a bathroom, when coming back she had an encounter with a scout and lost her way from there until she ran into him.  At first she had spoken to him in Korean and in response he answered her in Korean that he was not fluent in Korean, so she asked if he was fluent in English in which he said he was.  Having sorted out what language to speak she proceeded to ask him if he could help her find her way back to Kang Ah Ran or Park So Hee, hoping that he would know who they were.  At which he did and assumed that she was someone who was going to take the audition being that day with team leader Park So Hee and Kang Ah Ran, so he gladly took her back.  As they were walking back she was talking animatedly about how she has no sense of direction and something else, he wasn't really paying attention because he was fascinated by her.  Once they reached their destination she disappeared before he could even ask for her name.

After this initial encounter he tried to find her again in the company, only to give up thinking that she may not have passed the audition.  However about eleven months later he found her again, when he heard a melodious voice in the hallway and decided to follow it.  He reached the area where he could hear the voice loudest only to find out it was the girl he had been searching for a few months ago.  He waited till her lesson was done so he could finally formally introduce himself to her and vice versa.  After that they started training together and she met the EXO boys, where she became their temporary translator before their debut.  She especially helped EXOM members in their study of the Korean and/or Chinese language.


Ulzzang Name: Kim Shinyoung

Ulzzang Pictures: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Byeon Jiyoung

Back-up Ulzzang Pictures: Top half | 02 | Googled

Additional: She has a single red highlight extension in her hair, on the left side and is hidden from plain sight.  She also has a creamy pale complexion, because like most people who grow up in North America, she does not tan, but burns.  She also has a rather random sense of fashion like one day its street chic, another bohemian or casual-formal. 


Motto: It’s a cruel world if you only dwell on the negative and living life scared to try new things.

Singing Links: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04

Dancing Links: 01 | 02 | The one with the long brown hair | 04

Position in the group: Lead vocal and/or main dancer


Fanclub Name Suggestion: The Braves or Deviants

Fanclub Colour Suggestion: Blood red or Black 



A scene where a flashback of how my character was introduced to the rest of the group.

Scene: Dangerous the newly debuted girl group of SM Entertainment where doing promotions for their very first mini album release.  They were doing an interview/show (I don’t know what they are called, by the way the show is author’s pick as well as the host) when the host asks the classic question “who left the deepest first impression?” to the girls.  One member (author’s pick) laughs remembering how they all first met Keera.  And so the member (the same) answers that Keera had left her the deepest fist impression. The host asks her to explain why, curious as to why the girl was laughing.  So the member begins to explain.

Explanation: They were all asked to come to the company by their manager saying he had an announcement to make to the girls.  They were all nervous thinking that he might break the news that they might not be actually debut, and it scared all of them to think so but that was the only thing they COULD think of.  When the girls arrived they were confused as to why they were headed to one of the practice rooms, were they supposed to have a dance practice today that they forgot? (It was their day off)

 When they finally arrived to their destination their manager opened the door to the room and there they were greeted with a lone girl inside.  All the girls could do was stop and stare.  The reason being was that Keera was doing a much exaggerated version of the waltz with a Winnie the Pooh stuffed bear the size of a 1 yr old, while humming the Pink Panther theme song.  When Keera finally noticed she had spectators she stopped and turned around only to give them a big winning smile, a large wave and a cheerful “Hello!”

 And that was how Keera was introduced to Dangerous.


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If we had chosen you, we promise to put those scenes.
I think I'll choose 'Deviants' for fanclub name.