
Procrastination has really gotten the best of me. Sleep deprivation isn't helping either. Lately my homework has been piling up along with a handful of projects given by my heartless wonderful teachers. I usually spend most of my hours thinking of good excuses to tell my teachers why I haven't done the homework rather than actually doing it OTL. And I know for sure next school year won't be any better. I don't want to disappoint my parents any longer since they have done so much for me.

My teachers

can die

in a


filled with



except my English teacher because she is awesome.

- beastbangtothemotheringblock


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Kwanyanglee_15 #1
Haha I like my English teacher the most too!!! ^^
LOL. Sorry for being a creeper, but this post is way too funny. XD it's ok. I totally understand how you feel.