if you dislike any SNSD member, Please un-add me RIGHT NOW

I can't beleive how stubborn some people are.

I just found a really discousting blog. Apparently, the user hates Jessica and Yuri because they get the attention(because of MinYul and Jonsica lol). This person also said, "Yoona too, I just don't hate her because I feel bad because she have no s."

Seriously,  I can't beleive I had an Anti-Jessica-Yuri (and Yoona) in my friends list.


Well, I'll tell you this, you know who you are.

Jonghyun is Jessica's friend

Minho is Yuri's friends

SNSD is SHINee's friends.

Your Oppas love my girls. in another words, if you care so much about them, respect their sunbaes. I'm not telling you to buy their albums, but respect them



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Girl, you get it on! I dislike people who considers themselves sones and or other fans of the lovely singers, but then hates one of them. I mean, it's usual, but it's disrespectful and they've been through a long and rough road to get to where they are... people are just jealous and rude. If you dislike them, just keep them to yourselves. Don't post it on here cause person, we'll get on your behind. <sighs>
How sad. I love you Girl's Generation! Hwaiting!!! All the way!
i don't even "friend" someone who dislikes any of SNSD's member
So, for those people who so called hate of dislikes is only
simply because they r jealous
& do un-friend them now
Kris-C25 #3
yah ^^ .. why do they hate Yoona/Yuri/Jessica... it's not like they're doing something bad or like that.. ^^ YoonYulSic are good people ^^ there's nothing to hate about them..
What?! Where have I seen this ? They're freaking goddamn friends for god's sake! I don't know why people has to be this unreasonable. -_-
Uh, Yoona doesn't have s? o___O Where have they been looking?
And why do fangirls have to be so pathetic? Do they really think that their precious oppas will like them for that? Those guys are close to SNSD and would feel embarrassed to have fans that would bash them.
-.- people like them should be stabbed in the heart xD
One who hates even one SNSD member doesn't have the right to call himself/herself a S♥NE. That is irony.
YoonYulsnsd #8
@jonghyun4vah okay...I posted on yours too
@The person who made this blog
just posted on ur wall ... mmmhmmmmm *snap snap*
YoonYulsnsd #10
@jonghyun4evahYou see, haters(of snsd or any other groups) make me laugh. You said you're nice? how can I think of you as a nice person when you hate people just because your oppas are close with them? how can I think of you as a nice person who you hate people that you have never seen in your life and you don't know?

and why don't you give us the other reasons why you hate them? a reason that makes sense?
Yulhoe #11
Yoona no s? ! u need a fking glasses!
and hating yul and Sica because of there pairings? pfft. get a life! that's why there's such thing called friends!
LOL! BTW ppl that so called stubborn girl is me xD! jongsica* has* .... and really, just becuz i dislike them doesent mean I'll always complain about them, im nice to u rite?
It's okay! I LOVE Minho and Yuri individually but I don't like them together. Like YunYulicious, the reason why is because Yuri gets so hated from it. And it's pretty obvious you love SNSD (your username), so why would they be friends with someone who loves them. Just sayin.
Soshi ❤Sones