
One thing you need to know about my family is that we are the reincarnations of Noah and his family. Either that or the damn ark is buried somewhere under my house, because all the stray animals in NYC wind up on outr doorstep.

We've had dogs. cats (about 19 of them), parakeets, baby birds, a FERRET and a goddamn CHICKEN (yes, a live one) in our house. Right now we've got this monster of a baby bird. It's the stupidest thing ever. When you find a baby bird you need to try to put it back in it's nest, but sometimes that can't happen and so we take them home and feed them and stuff untill they can fly (we feed em raw hamburger meat mixed with crushed up fruit and eventually worms) and every other bird knows that when you see the human, it means food and they open their mouths and let us feed them. Not this stupid little beast, we actually have to force it's mouth open otherwise it won't eat. Oh yeah, and it bites. Hard. Ungrateful bastard...WE DIDN'T HAVE TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!!! 

But now it's moved on to worms. Live worms which we dig out of our backyard. and just...


And then it's like...he eats them and they crawl back out of his mouth! It's disgusting and hilarious and UGH I HATE WORMS.

It's pretty funny he knows when you're about to feed him and he runs around the bottom of the cage chirping his fluffly little head off. It's pretty damn cute. And before it eats the worm he kinda shakes it around, like either he's trying to kill/stun the thing or get the dirt off. Either way it's kinda sad to watch.

But yeah. I can't touch worms, I dig them out with a fork and shove them in his cage (we're trying to teach him to forage).

Anyway, all these animals and I still haven't gotten my pony.

Rant over. Moral of the story- worms skeeve me out.



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babymichiie #1
Is your house big? Woah.. seriously!<br />
I envy you! LOL