"What music will you listen to?"




TARANTALLEGRA is out and I cannot contain my feels ;A; 


To be honest, I'm not a fan of them and I've only liked Jaejoong because of the stories I've been reading here and there but I'm no Cassie so it's really a shock for me to be SO into this song. I mean, I like JYJ's In Heaven (because it was sad and can make you leak buckets) but this; THIS IS BEYOND EPIC!


Come on. When was the last time you've heard a music such as good as this -- in KPOP? 


The video was marvelous and I can't even describe it in words. That's how mindblown I am. I have been playing this song since it got released and oh my ing jeebus am I addicted to it already!


and and... Flowsik! Dear lord, Flowsik was the bomb! Q_______________Q


brb while I drown myself with "what music will you listen to?" 



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