Star Academy App. [:


Name: Kang Ae Rin

Age: 19

AFF Username: pauchii

AFF Profile Link: CLICK

Birth of date: August 03 1991

BirthPlaceGyeonggi, South Korea


Personality: She is a clever and ambitious student. She is always seen smiling and greeting elders and other students. She's very optimistic and likes to helping people when troubled. That's probably why people are so at ease with her.

She's very intelligent and picks things up quite quickly. She thinks through complicated situations before jumping to conclusions. She's also a great listener and can be reliable when it comes to problems and advices.

She does have a serious side and people are afraid when she becomes angry since she goes all violent and deadly. So people know not to mess with her, even though she may seem harmless.

Family Background: Her father works as a professor in one of the Seoul colleges while her mother works at a popular bakery downtown. Both parents love and care for Ae Rin and Minhyuk and always encouraged them to do what they love. They supported them from the start.

Just like her brother, she is also interested in music and wants to pursue that goal. When she was 6, she started attending vocal and dance classes. She can play some instruments (guitar & piano) and she also knows a few languages too - English and Japanese.

Family Members: Kang Dae Hyun - Appa

Kang Eun Ae - Umma

Kang Min Hyuk- Older brother [CN Blue]

Likes: - Sunny days

- Smoothies

- Getting good grades

- Quiet places

- When people accept her

- Hanging out with her close friends

- Surprises


- Anything panda designed

- Listening to music

- Learning/studying new languages

- Seeing HIM

Dislikes- Rude people

- Flirts

- erts

- Getting low grades

- Smoking/Smokers

- Disappointing people

- Bullies

- Gossips

- Heights



Appearance: CLICK

Name of Ulzzang: Kim Cho Rok

Do you want to be in the Student Council?: Yes

If yes what is your position?: Public Information Officer 



What kind of student are you?: A hard-woking student that is determined to do well in all subjects she has. She doesn't like getting low grades therefore she studies everyday and is seen usually in the school library.

Grades from school before: 75-90


Do you want a partner?: Yes

If yes who?: Kim Myungsoo <3

Lee Kikwang

Bang Cheolyong

Choi Minho


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