NEW FRESH ROLEPLAY, please do join XD


Annyeong, sorry for the shameless advertisement. anyways, can i spam your wall? hahaha kidding >.< so here, im here to advertisement my awesome facebook Rolepay that just got open just now, a few minutes C: hehehe
so here goes nothing OuO

are you bored in your life? i mean like real life, studying, just chat with some your friends in your real facebook account OuO if you are bored , why dont you try a new life, a really awesome new life, being an Kpop idol , be your biases C: if you want to try one, why dont you join my rp
here is the link

check out the list there's alot of new idol here ouo
please join , and i hope you enjoy it C:
lets be a one happily family like EXO ouo XDD hahahaha. i hope to see you there ouo 



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