Kpop Hater on Youtube

10:57 PM


I am asking everyone that reads this blog to keep a look out for this one idiot on youtube. He is insulting all of Kpop. Not just SNSD, or SuJu. He is going after every single band in Kpop. He is making many of the fans of Kpop angry. We (me and several other kind Kpop lovers) have asked him to stop, he is now threating us with erasing all of Kpop on youtube.

It have made many (and I mean MANY) fans ready to kill him. So if you spot this name musicprom5 bashing your Kpop, and telling you that *shudder* Justin Bieber is better, please just tell him nicely that we don't care for him. He believes that because he is older (as if, I found an old lady (eighty-nine to be exact) that was jamming to Kpop just yesterday) he can order us around.

If anything, just tell him nicely that he is being a mother ing son of a diety d*mn b!tch. In the nicest way you possibly can. Thank you!!


P.S. Please don't do anything that could get you in trouble!!


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aerokinesis #1
This will not even help. He WANTS to start war. So DON'T give it.