rantings & ramblings

i demand respect from everyone <---respect is earned not given freely

my rant is of that...people demanding things when they feel they are entitled to something, when the truth is that's just a feeling, and is not a rigteous one.  another part is the fact when people go on and on about a quotation from the Bible where they use it out of context to fit their means.  well, that's not very christian of them is it?  i don't care if you are christian or otherwise, use the quotes you use in context of the way and how it was written.  don't be an ignorant fool and grab quotes here and there just because you feel it matches what you think is right.  it's not. in order for anyone to take you seriously realize the contexts of quotes, the sentences you sliced and diced them out of; anything less and you are going to be slapped so hard by a slander and libel lawsuit it won't be even funny.

but the great thing is? karma does exist, and when it butts you without lube, i will not only not care, but walk away.  people mutter that's cruel, but the truth is i could seriously care less one way or another how you feel about me.  i only consider 10 people me and mine, and the rest? they can off, because it's really simple actually...very very simple. you backstab, you cause drama, you quote where you think it gives you the right; but the truth is, those "rights" of yours do not exist.  you only think you are entitled to it because of who you are and what you "suffered".  i hate to burst your bubble sweety, but those so called "sufferings" you went through are not that bad.  not at all.  when something real has happened to you, then we'll talk, till then.  off.


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Uh-oh, what's happened now?
Woah Mashi. Are you in a bad place at the minute?<br />
"to be slapped so hard by a slander and libel lawsuit it won't be even funny" < But I totally found reading that line funny. =D<br />
I know what you mean about people expecting things like it's their god-given right. It doesn't just happen on here, or the net, but everywhere and it pisses me off.<br />
generalhardhead #3
Amen gurl, Amen. *huggles*
ReaReeUmbi #4
-Claps hands-<br />
It's like those homophobes who quote from the bible that woman cannot lay with woman and man cannot lay with man or else they wont be in the house of God<br />
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Yet "lay" means ..so where does it say that you can't love/marry the same gender?<br />
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And demanding respect is like trusting a schizo with a knife not to stab you. Respect and trust go hand to hand, you lose one you automatically lose the other. <br />
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Well said Mashi!